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Showing posts with label Cooling. Show all posts

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat - Fast and Easy!

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

You might think that the best exercise to lose belly fat is not an actual exercise, but liposuction. Well, that's partially true, but the thing is, even if you go for a liposuction, and you continue having the same bad eating habits, the fat on your belly will soon be back on, and you have to start from scratch. So, if you are really looking for the best exercise to lose belly fat, read this article.

As already said, what you eat is of the utmost importance. Cut sweets, fast food and cola or other beverages that are not 100% natural. Basically you want to reduce your fat and carbohydrate intake. Once you do that, you are already on the way to lose some of that belly fat. So, now that you started eating up a little bit more healthy, you can start thinking about exercising and about the best exercise to lose belly fat.

Before you start doing countless sit ups, you should first buy a workout ball. You don't have to spend a fortune - just buy a cheap one you can inflate, as it will do just fine. This ball will be used and will aid you tremendously in working your abs muscles. Basically, you'll want to focus on the three main sections of your abdominal muscles, which are: - rectus abdominus - this gives you the much wanted six pack look - traverse abdominus - the muscles located on your sides - and the external oblique - the ones that cover your ribs

Working on all of the above abdominal muscle section will give you a set of abs that will cut trough diamonds. So, here's what you need to do. First of all, forget about the preconceived idea that if you sit on your exercise ball and do thousands of sit ups you'll get a six pack and lose belly fat. What you need to do is focus on the proper muscle contraction each time you do a rep. You need to inhale and contract as you exhale - that's the big secret. Let's say you do a standard sit up. When you're way down on your back, you want to inhale, and as you go up, exhale. Makes sense?

Okay, now that we've made this clear, let's take a look at three amazing abdominal exercises you can do to lose belly fat.

For the first exercise, you will need to sit on your exercise ball. Your legs should be knee flexed and shoulder wide apart. With your hands placed across your chest, and in the crunch position squeeze your abs. Do 25 reps, and you'll feel the burn. After 3 sets, you'll really feel how this starts shedding fat.

The next exercise will require you to lie down on your back with the exercise ball between your legs. You will want to hold it with your feet and ankles. Then, you guess it, lift up the ball till you make a 90 degrees angle - meaning lift the ball up toward the ceiling. You will want to sustain yourself with your hands, so keep them straight and on the floor. Do 25 reps and you'll feel the burn!

Okay. For the final exercise, lie down, and place the exercise ball under your knees. Place your hands behind your neck, and lift your chin up towards your knees. You can place your hands across the chest if it makes you feel more comfortable. When you're at the top, squeeze those abs, and then lower your chest slowly, while you still maintain your abs tight. Again, 25 reps in 3 sets.