Friday, July 20, 2012

If You Lose Fat, You Can Be Sure of Your Health

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

All the scientific clues and findings point out that by becoming fat, you become more prone to ailments like diabetes, blood pressure and heart diseases. Though it can not be emphatically said that you will be affected by these ailments, it is better to be cautious and hence losing fat as quickly as possible is suggested.

Experts suggest that you should eat slowly to lose fat fast. This is because your brain does not realize that you are eating to fill your stomach till twenty minutes after you commence eating. But if you eat fast, you will have a tendency to over-eat before your brain comes to know of them. But if you eat slowly, your brain gets sufficient time to know this and so you will not over-eat. This is one of the best ways to lose fat fast.

You should never eat your food when you are under stress. This will create a tendency to overeat. You should not carry your office worries to your home and should not allow your domestic worries to disrupt your official work. But if you allow your worries and stress to disturb you, psychologically you will feel strong if you overeat. In the same manner if you do not sleep well during nights, during the next day over-eating makes you feel strong enough to overcome the strain due to the previous sleepless night. So you should learn to manage stress and also have a good night's sleep so that you will not be developing tendencies to over-eat and decelerate your efforts to lose fat fast.

You should take the help of water to reduce your intake of your regular diet. You can also get the other benefits of drinking plenty of water. Water bestows immense benefits to your body. It flushes out wasteful toxins from your body and hence you will succeed in losing fat. Water also fills your stomach fast. That is the reason it is suggested that you should drink two or three glasses of water before you commence eating your food so that you will eat less and lose fat fast.

If you have a habit of drinking carbonated drinks like bottled drinks and sugary soda for quenching your thirst, you should stop the habit immediately. Sugar is bad carbohydrate that can not be burned completely and so it accumulates as fats in your body. Instead, you should drink a good amount of water when you are thirsty. Apart from the other benefits, water hydrates your body from the inside. This improves your resistance power so that you will not be affected by infections.

You should not eat while you watch your favorite program on television. Without your knowledge, you will over-eat if you do so. You should focus only on eating and not on any other discussions or official work. That is why experts do not advise business lunches and business dinners because these may cause harm to your health due to overheating.

Your aim should be to under-eat your food. Your food should occupy only 70% of your stomach space and the remaining space should be left for water and gas. If you over-eat, you will not be able to abide by this advice and hence you should find out ways to under-eat. One way is to drink water prior to your meal. Another way is to eat a good amount of salads and fruits before your meal. These salads and fruits have the capacity to fill your stomach fast and hence you will not overeat your regular meal. You cn also drink more sips of water in the midst of your eating and this may also reduce your intake of your normal diet.

By adopting these simple steps, the day of your success for your efforts to lose fat fast will not be far off.


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