Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How To Lose Body Fat

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

It sounds like an easy question to answer but for most people knowing how to lose body fat can be puzzling.

Everyday, we are being bombarded with misleading ads and articles boasting that the best way to burn fat is to simply DO more cardio or use the whatever gimmick. Add to that the fact that there are so many conflicting stories on what's hot and what's not when it comes to healthy foods and you can easily find yourself in a dieters' hell.

Not surprisingly, this can get quite confusing for many people wanting to know how to lose body fat. Life should be simpler and to lose body fat, it's all about keeping it simple.

Here are 6 simple ways to loose body fat and keep it off -

1) Always Exercise 20 Minutes a Day

Always find an opportunity to exercise.Try to exercise at least 20 minutes a day, even if it's a gentle walk. It's far better than doing nothing at all.

Best yet, start a routine of going to the gym, 3 times a week and exercise an hour. Try mixing it up with strength training and interval training. You don't have to kill yourself doing it - just hop on a bike and do half an hour of weights.

2) When You Diet

Don't ever think, 'I have to eat less to lose weight'. What you should say to yourself is - "I am going to move more and I am going to eat well".

Look at having six healthy mini meals a day. The mini meals should consist of of a mix of protein and fiber rich complex carbohydrates.

The benefit of including protein and fiber is to give you a feeling of being satisfactorily full, and prevent any cravings.

3) Never Eat More Than You Feel

Before you have something to eat, ask yourself -"Do I really feel like it? And is the taste really good enough to be worth the calories?"

Always stick to 1 plate portions. And never eat ordinary food.

If you have the choice of between homemade ice cream and a 4 liter ice cream container - which one will you say 'yes' to? The quality homemade ice cream - of course!

4) Never Make Excuses

Too busy? Well, choose to make time! If you have to, get up earlier and train early in the mornings.
Exercising before work can start the day off right. Everyone has time to work out - just set the time 40 minutes earlier and get up before the
day starts!

5) Always Say 'Yes' to Chocolate

The simple pleasures that life offers can't be locked out.

Now and again, you can spoil yourself to a piece of chocolate mud cake, a glass or wine
or two in evening. Cutting out everything is just not living life!

But just make sure the next day, you get back to eating normally without giving it
a second thought.

There's no point beating yourself up about the occasional slip. And there's nothing more boring than steamed chicken and veggies. Who wants to eat like that?

6) Finding A Friend is the #1 Key to Success

Get a friend to exercise with you. Social support is probably one of the missing weight loss ingredients that people don't realize.

A weight loss partner can keep you focused, and if you feel like you're going off the rails -- you can call them up. It is a fantastic network to encourage and support each other.Hanging around the right people will help you lose body fat.

There you have it, 6 tips on losing body fat. Simple - ain't it?

Remember, life is suppose to be simple -- and enjoyable. And if you keep your plans simple, you'll lose the body fat for good.


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