Saturday, June 30, 2012

Fat Burning Foods For Women - The Best Foods That Burn Fat For Women

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

If you are female and you want to lose some fat, you have to include the best fat burning foods for women in your diet. They will help you to lose fat while also fulfilling lots of your other female needs.

Here are the top 10 fat burning foods for women. We will look at each of them in more derail and see how they can support your needs to ensure that you lose fat the healthy way.

  • Fat free dairy products - One of the best foods that speeds up weight loss is fat free dairy products. It contains calcium that is said to be a weight loss accelerator. The calcium also ensures that your bones and teeth are healthy and strong and it will also protect you from osteoporosis.
  • Whole-grain carbs - Whole-grain carbs are the better carb choice. They are high in fiber and will help you to keep fuller for longer. They will also ensure that you have all day energy.
  • Lean protein - Lean protein like chicken, fish and lean red meats, are the building blocks of muscles. They will help you to build new lean muscle mass. The act of building muscles burns a lot of fat and it also speeds up your metabolism.
  • Green tea - Green tea is said to help speed up fat loss and it may also reduce the amount of fat that your body stores. If the tastes is a bit funny to you, add some lemon or mint with it.
  • Cinnamon - One of the main weight loss problems of women are cravings. When cravings strike, you are highly likely to give in and snack on something unhealthy. Cinnamon helps with cravings by stabilizing your blood sugar levels.
  • Chillies - Another problem women have is a slow metabolism. Chillies can speed up the metabolism. Start slow with the milder chillies (Jalapenos) and work your way up the hotter ones.
  • Ice cold water - Ice cold water can speed up the metabolism after you have consumed it. The body also burns calories trying to heat the water, so you will burn some calories as well.
  • Spinach - Spinach is one of the healthiest veggies there is. It contains all the minerals,vitamins and nutrients that your metabolism needs to function well. And a well functioning metabolism will help you to burn more calories and fat.
  • Oats - If you start your day with a bowl of oats, you will be full until lunch time. This will help you to snack less between meals and you will then save a lot of calories.
  • Almonds - Almonds are the healthiest nuts that there is. They also aid in weight loss and help to fight high cholesterol levels and also protects your heart.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Best Stomach Fat Burning Foods to Get Flat Belly Fast

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:


THERE ARE FOODS THAT HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO HELP PEOPLE BURN FAT. How? When you eat these foods your body will burn more calories to digest than the food itself, which helps your body burn stored fat, they can also speed up your metabolism so you can burn fat fast.

Here is a list of healthy belly fat burning foods

Organic apple cider vinegar
Drinking a small amount of organic apple cider vinegar before meals can help burn belly fat fast. Mix 1-2 teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar with a glass of water or with 1-2 teaspoon of honey and take it before every meal. It speeds up your metabolism, helps Control weight, helps lower bad cholesterol, helps lower blood sugar levels and cleanse the body of toxins.

Eating a handful of six or more raw or roasted almonds everyday can help you lose belly fat. Almonds have high fiber content and low calories.
Almonds are loaded with protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E and other antioxidants.It can help reduce heart disease risk, help lower cholesterol levels and help the body to maintain a normal blood pressure.

Eating grapefruit can help you burn belly fat.
Researchers at Scripps Clinic found that participants who ate half a grapefruit before each meal lost an average of 3.6 pounds in 12 weeks
Grapefruit has a high fiber content, low-calorie fruit and it is loaded with vitamin C, It contains cancer-fighting compounds and it reduces insulin levels.

Green tea
Green tea is good for losing belly Fat. Researchers found that green tea antioxidants known as catechins raise the metabolism and help burn fat faster.
Other Studies have shown that drinking two to four cups of green tea every day can help you burn 17 percent more calories. It contains potent antioxidant properties that maintain LDL cholesterol levels and sugar levels in our blood, drinking green tea everyday promote your heart health as well.

Chilies or cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper is one of the best fat burning spices; it contains capsaicin, that helps speed up the metabolism and therefore burn more calories after eating.
It also increases blood flow, maintains healthy blood pressure and promotes a healthy digestive system.

Adding the above mentioned fat burning foods into your diet, combined with an active lifestyle can help you burn unwanted belly fat fast.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

6 Easy Weight Loss Tips to Melt Off Body Fat

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

It is important to maintain a healthy body weight as part of an overall healthy lifestyle. How do you know what is a healthy body weight? You can use your BMI (Body Mass Index) to assess whether your body weight is suitable for your height. Simply divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in metres to get your BMI, or in imperial measurements, your weight in pounds by the square of your height in inches and then multiply by 703. If your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9 you are a healthy weight and it has been shown that those with a BMI between 19 and 22 live the longest. The following are some easy weight loss tips to help you keep your BMI within the healthy range:

Drink plenty of water - Avoid soda as much as you can. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that soda is as good as water but unfortunately it's loaded with sugar. A high sugar intake gives you more calories than you can burn off and this produces excess body fat. Also, drinking water fills the stomach so you will snack less.

Eat white meat rather than red - Red meat contains more fat than lean white meats and therefore should be used sparingly in the diet. Of course red meats are still an important part of a balanced diet, just don't overdo it!

Fruit is good - Avoid snacking on junk food through the day. Try to eat a piece of fruit instead of pre-packaged snacks or fast food when you're feeling peckish.

Grill food, don't fry - Another great easy weight loss tip is to grill the foods you would normally fry. Grilling meats enables some of the fat to drain away and also avoids the extra fat added by cooking oil when frying foods. For example, when you fancy red meat, how about a nice grilled steak with steamed vegetables? Delicious!

Choose the low fat option - When buying condiments for your food, check if there is a low fat option you can get instead. With things like butter, try replacing it with a low fat margarine. Mayonnaise and other sauces and seasonings may have far more fat content than you realised and a low fat version can make a lot of difference, especially if you eat a lot of these.

Never shop on an empty stomach - This may sound like an odd weight loss tip but it really does make a difference. Shopping when you're hungry makes you far more likely to buy foods that are not good for you and that will make you gain weight.

As you have probably gathered from these easy weight loss tips, the best way to lose weight is simply to monitor your diet carefully and avoid taking in too many calories. Keeping an eye on your body mass index is another useful tool in staying healthy.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How Do I Get a Six Pack?

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

Everyone wants to look good for the summer. And, summer is just right around the corner. We don't want all that fat hanging from our midsections over our bikinis or swim trunks. We want a nice tight stomach, with no flab and some definition. All in all we want that sexy wash board stomach, or 6 pack abs. Which can be very hard to achieve, if we don't take the time to work on it or commit to it. And, because it is so hard to achieve, alto of us just forget about even trying or just give up. How you ever going to feel good about yourself, if you don't at least try and stick to the routine for any amount given time you give yourself.

There are several different ways, you can achieve this awesome midsection. It is hard work, and will take dedication. So, if you have it in you to do it, then you should. Just take a little bit of time out of your day, a couple days a week to everyday to work on your midsection. Here are a few things you can do to achieve this.

  1. Eat Healthy- if you don't have the best looking midsection you obviously have some fat. You need to stop putting so much fat into your body, and eat better things that will only help you out in losing fat, or weight.
  2. Take The Time- Set aside the time to workout. Schedule it everyday, when your going to get into action and work on that midsection.
  3. Workout- There are several different types of workout programs you can do that will help with the midsection, that will give you fantastic Rapid Results. You just need to commit.
  4. Do Crunches- Get on the floor and do as many, and different types of crunches, that you can do. But, make sure you do enough of a variety to target different areas of your midsection.
  5. Squeeze- Where ever you may be sitting or standing you can do a simple flex exercise, that will help you work in those abs. All you have to do is squeeze in those abs, hold it for as long as you can, then release. Do it as often as you can. This will help tighten up your muscles. It wont be everything you need to do, but it will help.
  6. Run- Cardio type exercise, will help burn fat, and fat is whats above muscle. So you don't necessarily have to run, you can ride a bike, power walk, anything that gets your heart pumping really good.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Informative Facts About Fat Reducing Supplements

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

Every year billions of dollars are spent by people all over the world to get rid of those extra pounds, which appear to be ugly and disapproving. People do this mainly to look young and fit with an exceptional stamina. Where some people are able to obtain what they want, others don't. The health and fitness sector is one of the leading sectors all around the globe.

According to some recent surveys 30 percent people in the United States fall in the category of being obese, where as 60 percent of Americas population is termed as overweight. This statistics depend upon a lot of factors. However the major reasons behind it are that all the fat reduction goods speak of ideal targets, which are in reality, unattainable. The food labeling done by the manufacturers is fake and is done to increase the sales of the product. It does not speak of what the commodity actually consists of.

The Food and Drug Administration has stopped dealers and sellers from unlawful selling of prohibited medications. Unfortunately some of these drugs are readily available in the market. Since the customers are not aware of the chemical compositions and effects of the products, they purchase them unaware of the hazards they pose to their health. One such example is caffeine, which also contain other harmful components. The after-effects can be of digestion issues, loss of sleep, head throbbing and heart diseases.

EGCG, a phytochemical component of green tea, is believed to have the ability to enhance the metabolic activities in the body. Now most of the diet supplement producers claim that their diets contain the component of EGCG. It has been found out that this element has a tendency to slightly burn the calories present in the body.

The producers of the diet supplements and diet pills claim the presence of elements in the product which do not affect the carbohydrate level in the body. Chitosan is an example of such components. It does not demonstrate any fat reduction in the body. Men can only manage to lose an ounce of weight in around 7 months while this ingredient does not show any positive effects in females. Also the thyroid supplements are believed to make the dieters body numb and stiff and inculcates the feeling of lethargy. The thyroid supplements are said to increase the functioning of the thyroid gland by acting as thyroid substitutes.

Another component of weight supplements is the Guar Gum. The Guar Gum makes the dieter feel that his stomach is full, thereby, reducing his hunger and craving for food. With no hunger and appetite, people tend to eat less. However, new surveys indicate that Guar Gum does not aid in any way to get rid of fat. However it helps in keeping the sugar and cholesterol level balanced. According to scientists, Psyllium does not help in weight loss. Nonetheless it is widely used by producers to lessen the appetite.

Out of all these remedies, Cutting Gel is reported to be more effective. It can be applied anywhere on the body where one desires to cut off fat. It is an epidril product and has high sales in the industry.

The best alternative to weight reduction pills, which is cost effective and actually works without any side effects, is regular walk and proper work out. So instead of throwing your money into waste, try using it wisely by spending it somewhere better.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

How to Lose Chest Fat - Melt Away Your Man Boobs Now Before Guys Put $1 Bills Down Your Shirt

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

Are you fed up with carrying around those man boobs and owe it to yourself to find out how to lose chest fat? It really can be discomforting at times when people talk about man boobs, especially near those who have them. However, many guys these days have grown man boobs and struggle with the constant embarrassment. The best way solve this dilemma is to deal with it head on to seek the best advice on how to lose chest fat.

One of the chief causes of man boobs is by being hefty. By having additional fat, your body will produce extra estrogen that in turn creates fatty tissues above your chest. You need to set your body into a calorie burning stage in order to reduce this fat. One fine way to do so is with adopting a healthier diet.

It is useful to begin by eating lesser meals around 4-5 setting a day of the week. Each one mini meal that you swallow will help into burning fat and will help your body to live less contingent on your previous intake of food. This will help condition your body how to lose chest fat and reduce the size of your stomach. By not stuffing it so fully it will in turn help bring body fat down to a healthy level over time.

There are masses of products accessible all over the marketplace regarding how to lose chest fat but you need to stay alert once choosing the desirable one. Be certain the programs are intelligently created with the purpose of removing man breasts, since there becomes a lofty difference relating your chest fat and stomach fat. It is important to have a program that will well ensure you an absolute solution to the condition.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Turbulence Training - The Best Way to Build Muscle?

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

So, you're searching for a program that will help you build muscle. Aren't we all? You've probably heard of the program, Turbulence Training, by Craig Ballantyne, popular Men's Health writer. This program, to me, is simple one of the best written by a guy that I trust.

Straight off the bat, Craig busts the top 5 fat loss myths. They are..

Myth #1: You have to do Cardio in the morning on an empty stomach in order to burn fat
Myth #2: You have to do Cardio in the "fat burning zone"
Myth #3: You have to do Cardio 7 days per week
Myth #4: You have to do Cardio for at least 20 minuets before you start burning fat
Myth #5: You can't lose fat and gain muscle at the same time

It is important to know why each myth is false, which you can read on the Turbulence Training website, but what I am interested in is Myth #5. That is a principle that Turbulence Training is built upon, actually, that fact that this myth is untrue is what it is built upon.

Craig says that scientific research and his own experience says that you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. During his research in developing Turbulence Training, Ballantyne came across a study done at the Laval University in Quebec, which compared steady (traditional) aerobic cardio training and interval training as a fat loss study. The researchers found that the interval training group lost more fat than the traditional cardio group.

A second study showed that by performing only 8 reps per set of a particular exercise burned more calories after exercise than doing 12 reps per set!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Stubborn Fat Solutions

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

Here are a couple stubborn fat solutions that will help you to burn off good amounts of fat from your belly and your butt... 2 common female problem areas. If you're sick of your stomach fat and dying to get rid of that big butt, take the next 2 minutes to read this article. What you're going to learn will help you improve your body A LOT.

Stubborn Fat Solutions

1. To get rid of butt fat, walk on an inclined treadmill or uphill for at least 20 minutes a day

You'll want to do this 5 days a week for best results. If you incline the treadmill, aim for an incline of about 15-20 degrees. Treadmills are different so, it's easier for me to just tell you the angle in degrees. You don't need to do any type of intervals on this. Just simply walk.

You'll notice the different almost immediately when compared to normal walking. The shape of your butt will improve dramatically and pretty fast. You should easily see a difference within 2 weeks.

2. Belly rubs for losing belly fat

This is a way to spot reduce your stomach fat. After eating a meal, if possible, lie down and rub circles around your belly for 1 minutes. After you're done, switch hands and do another minute of circular rubbing. That's it. This type of friction helps to "scuff off" fat layers over time. Even better is if you rub your hands together for 10 seconds. The heat from this dissolves the fat even faster.

These are 2 stubborn fat solutions that are proven to work.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ab Circle Review

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

This is a third party review of the highly discussed and heavily promoted Ab Circle Pro. If you watch late evening or early morning television, you've surely seen the ads the makers of the ab circle are currently running. This machine is celebrated during the ads as a stomach muscle exercise machine that can do wonders for your abs without threatening injury to your back. But is this machine really worth its price?

I am a fitness trainer who works at a gym just outside Los Angeles, and I can tell you that I am the first person to be skeptical of any and every ab product that hits the market. Abs are the most difficult muscles for men (not so much women, because women store fat in different places on their bodies) to define. But if there is any body part that makes a difference in the overall look of a person, it has to be the abs. Healthy lean cut abs change the way you look with your abs exposed, but also do wonders for how you look when your clothes are on.

A slim and rock hard abdomen makes the body look trim and healthy, and for that reason people of all ages and both genders pay me a good deal of money to create that look for them. And as I said earlier, I am a true skeptic of any product that hits the shelf, but I am willing to give just about anything a shot. What I want more than anything for my clients are results. And results only come with dedication and the proper regimen.

So there I was, in one of my client's houses the day his Ab Circle Pro arrived. He has a monster of a house, and the two of us whipped that thing out of the box (you can only purchase this machine online as of the writing of this article) and put it up and together in minutes. I asked him how much it cost him, and he didn't even know. He's the kind of person who doesn't have to look at his credit card bill. Anyway, so we set the thing up in his workout room and put her to the test. And after an hour or so that I spent with the machine, here's my overall assessment.

The AbCircle Pro claims that it is the machine to get you the abs you want in just a few minute workout. The machine maker's also claim that the product is able to do this without causing injury to your back. So many people go after great abs and end up injuring their backs. The abs are especially pliable, much more so than the back, and any injury to the back takes a long time to heal. Whenever I judge a product I always always always look to see that it is safe for my clients. No matter how well the product or exercise may target the intended muscles, if the machine fails to give the user a safe routine, the user will more than likely end up injuring him or herself and lose a ton of fitness ground as he or she rests and waits for the body to mend itself.

So the first test I gave the Ab Circle was the test to see how it treats the body. And the truth is the Ab Circle is easy on the body. Jennifer Nicole Lee, the beautiful spokesperson behind the product is featured in the commercial, and yes, it looks like she has an easy gliding motion that does not stress her back. But she's a professional fitness model, so I can't say that just because it appears to work for her it'll work for anyone.

But after I used it for a good hour along with my not-so-fit client (hopefully he's not reading this) I found that it is for just about anyone. It is a very smooth motion that allows the user to create a workout that targets abs and increases the heart rate. It is a motion that is generally pretty natural and does not feel that it will threaten the health of the middle or lower back. The various resistance settings are great because they allow users of all fitness levels to maximize their target zones and shred through fat on the way to creating the abs necessary to give you that total healthy and fit look.

As for the results a user ought to expect, Jennifer Nicole Lee's body is not easy to get. She is a fitness professional who knows exactly what is needed to create the right sort of mix in relationship to diet and exercise - the mix that grows the level of cardio, yet doesn't overdo the cardio to the point that you're shorting yourself the needed muscle tissue that constantly burns up excess calories and keeps the metabolism going throughout the day. And of course her diet is splendid, I'm sure.

So no, the Ab Circle Pro isn't the only tool in the shed that you'll need to get those abs you really really want. But it is a great tool to have at the home, a tool you can quickly access to focus on those abs and get through a few simple and relatively easy sets even on your days off from going to the gym. The price for the product, I later found, was about what I expected. It's not the junk you find from most infomercials, and because of this the product is not going to be priced as junk.

But it does come with a 30 day trial. Of course shipping is not included in the trial. I'd imagine that to be pretty expensive only because of how rigid the product is. It's well-built and made for someone who doesn't want to ad a piece of garbage to their garage. It's a tool that will serve the individual who is serious about getting his or her midsection to where she wants it.

As for my client (and now clients as I've talked a few of my other clients into grabbing the product...) the reviews are all pretty positive. Of course some people think it's a magic pill that will immediately net you the results you want. Of course this is not the case. There is no magic pill for abs that I'm aware of, and the truth is the Ab Circle is simply a great tool to add to the shed of tools you'll need to get those irresistible abs. And on to my cons, because there are a couple:

The product is not made for people of all sizes and weights. If you are exceptionally large (football players, etc) or extremely overweight the product is not for you. I believe there is a limit of 300 lbs. A few of my clients are over that weight and still wanted the product. I advised them to wait on the purchase until they get well under that weight.

Well, I hope this helps you with your understanding of this product. Below is a banner to the Official Ab Circle Pro Site. Best of luck to you in your life and your efforts to make yourself as healthy as possible.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Ab Exercises Do Not Burn Belly Fat

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

It appears that everyone eager to burn belly fat asks the same question: "What are the best exercises to burn off belly fat?" There is a typical belief that ab exercises will help one to lose belly fat. This is a huge misconception. A great proportion of people have some excess body fat around the abdomen, and most people are shocked when they learn what the best way is to burn off that excess abdominal fat.

The issue is that almost everyone is searching for the wrong exercises to get rid of their stomach fat. Mostly everyone looking to burn off belly fat is looking for the best ab workout that can help them get rid of it in a matter of days.

Unfortunately, there are no specific ab exercises which burn belly fat. The only two things ab exercises do for the abdomen are strengthen and tone the muscles underneath it. The focus instead, should be on a full body workout which will speed up one's metabolism and fat-burning hormonal response gained from a work-out program.

Furthermore, just doing cardio will not create the best metabolic or hormonal response either. Instead, the focus should be on a more rounded work-out program that strategically focuses on working out the body as a whole which should include resistance training and a varying degree of joint exercises at a higher intensity.

A high intense full body workout combined with a healthy, balanced nutrient-rich diet on a consistent basis is the secret to losing that excess belly fat that is covering up the abdomen. This approach is a lot better to get rid of stubborn belly fat than just trying to do a bunch of ab work-outs like sit-ups or crunches which will not cause one to lose their abdominal fat.

It's amazing that the vast majority of people still believe that in order to eliminate belly fat, they need to do hundreds of reps of some type of ab exercises each day. People are receiving this type of erroneous advice everyday when they ask the question, "What are the best exercises to burn off belly fat?" This type of question is seen quite often in Yahoo Answers, specifically in the diet and fitness section. The advice to do hundreds of reps of specific ab exercises should be avoided at all costs.

Not to say that specific ab exercises are not recommended, they are. A certain amount of ab exercises combined in any exercise regimen is beneficial; they will help to strengthen and tone the muscles in the abdomen region as well as help to gain a healthy back and develop good posture if they're done the right way. However, ab work-outs are not needed to lose stubborn stomach fat.

Getting into a full body resistance training regimen combined with a healthy, balanced nutrient-rich diet are the most important factors. Many of the full body exercises indirectly work the core and abdominal muscles due to the stabilization that is required in some of the more difficult exercise variations.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Natural Ways to Reduce Fat in Your Stomach

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

One of the hardest places for a woman to lose weight seems to be the stomach area. Most women don't want to go the extremes and have liposuction so they look for natural ways to reduce stomach fat. Although it is not simple, it can be done.

Stomach fat can be caused by a hormone called cortisol. Reducing the cortisol in your body helps to reduce body fat. One way to reduce this hormone is to lower your stress level. There are many methods of reducing stress, one of which does double for reducing fat in the stomach area.

Adding soluble fiber to your diet is another way to reduce cortisol in your body. Apples and whole grain oats are excellent sources of soluble fiber. The fiber reduces insulin levels which in turn reduce cortisol levels in the stomach.

Aerobic exercise is perhaps the best known and proven methods for reducing fat naturally in your stomach area and other body parts. In addition to reducing your cortisol levels, you are raising your heart rate which kicks your metabolism in gear and burns calories.

Simply walking, everyday, at a brisk pace for a thirty minutes or more every day can reduce your stomach fat in a matter of weeks. The thirty minute mark is the goal for reducing your stomach fat-this is when your body will have used its stored glycogen and will have to rely on your body fat for its energy.

The second most natural way to reduce fat in the stomach is to change your diet. Change your eating habits to include whole grains. Whole grains change the way glucose and insulin production is handled. This speeds up the fat burning process by reducing cortisol levels.

Another diet change that can 'force' your body to burn fat is to decrease your carb intake and keep your protein intake up, especially your last meal and at night. This reduces the glycogen stored in your body and once again your body has to turn to your fat stores for energy.

You can reduce stomach fat naturally with a steady exercise routine and some changes to your diet. How fast you lose and how much you lose depend on how dedicated you are to your program. Once you make these changes, you should make them lifestyle changes and keep that stomach fat away.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fat Burning Foods - Top 15 Foods to Eat to Burn Belly Fat Fast

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

Consuming natural fat burning foods is one of the best and fastest ways to get rid of stubborn belly fat. There is absolutely no reason to spend your money on expensive fat burning pills and weight loss supplements because they don't work for long-term results. Natural fat burning foods work in this way that you burn more calories then you consume. With these foods your metabolism works harder as well. Here is my list of my top 15 belly fat burning foods and on top of that you get additional fat loss tips on the end of the article as well.

- Green beans
- Brussels Sprouts
- Eggs (the white part)
- Oranges
- Chicken
- Whole grain bread
- Bell peppers
- Salmon
- Radish
- Apricots
- Raspberry
- Strawberry
- Watermelon
- Tangerine
- Lima beans

Of course these are only one small fraction of fat burning foods. There are some other things you must do to get rid of stubborn stomach fat as well. Therefore I add five nutrition tips to this article to melt away belly fat naturally as fast as possible.

1) Drink more water and avoid soft drink. No nutrition plan without drinking at least eight cups of water per day. Water doesn't contain any calories at all and it activates your metabolism

2) Eat foods rich in protein it is the natural fat burner and muscle builder activator

3) Do full body exercises such as mountain climber, front squats and back squats.

4) Avoid eating foods that contain bad fats such as ice cream, doughnuts, cracker, and cookies in general. In fact you should avoid eating foods that comes from an animal source

5) Processed carbohydrates are bad for you so don't eat white bread, pastas and white
rice. Whole grain foods haven't been processed and contain the fiber and minerals
your body needs.

These fat burning foods and nutrition tips are vital to lose belly fat fast and most of them are good to reduce bad cholesterol as well.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Powerful Natural Healing Supplements and Superfoods From the Earth

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

Let's face it, shady marketers are everywhere trying to prey on your insecurities and rape your wallet. They know that humans love pleasure and hate pain, and also that us Americans will pay top dollar for a quick fix!

I mean the second someone says quick, easy, no effort required, just minutes per day, we unleash our credit cards like they were burning a hole in the seat of our pants.

Regardless of how silly the marketing claims may be, people always seem to believe in the next best thing, buy into the hype, and throw money down the drain.

Did you really think you were going to lose 30 pounds in 30 days or melt your love handles I just 3 minutes per day?

You have a better chance of watching Santa Claus fight the Easter Bunny in a celebrity death on your front lawn than you do losing weight or getting six pack abs with a "miracle formula" or gadget...

With millions of sick people across the USA, health care costs skyrocketing, insurance premiums raging, and new diseases popping up everywhere it is easy to forget all about basic nutrition and opt for drugs.

The surge in doctors fees, hospital costs, and weird disease stats makes it very easy to take the easy way out and opt for the "under the counter and over the counter" drug cocktail for symptomatic relief... especially since "a quick fix cure" is usually just a phone call away.

But there is a better way...

There is a long loss "work-a-round" that can help you remarkably cure and prevent deadly diseases. Plus it can keep you healthy, fit and full of energy year round. Yes, this simple work-a-round can reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer, lower your cholesterol, help you lose belly fat fast, put you in a better mood, improve your skin, increase energy levels, and much much more.

As an added bonus, there are no adverse side effects and you can stock up without having to pay an annoying deductible! Even better news, various forms of this work-a-round exist all around you!

When I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease 10 years ago I was faced with some very difficult decisions. I could either take pills for the rest of my life and feel like crap every day, or make some serious diet and lifestyle changes and fight back.

I decided to fight back.

Instead of taking the dangerous sulfa drugs and steroids I decided to detoxify my body and use the tools that were put here on earth for our use (herbs, plants, vegetables, and fruits) to get healthy again.

Today I'm going to share a few of the natural supplements that I used back then to restore my health, which also happen to be the most powerful supplements on the planet. You won't find these in the muscle mags, and most supplement companies refuse to sell them, but I used them back then and I still use these to this day to keep my body healthy and strong!

Note: you do not need to have a stomach problem or be sick to use these supplements. These natural supplements are beneficial to everyone and can help you get healthier and stay that way forever!

Acidophilus - Healthy colon flora should consist of roughly 85% lactobacilli and 15% coliform bacteria. Sadly, the average colon has those numbers flipped around and this can lead to a host of unpleasant symptoms including: GI toxicity, nutrient malabsorption, indigestion, gas, bloating, and more. Lactobacillus acidophilus is a "friendly" bacteria that can help you fight back against the "bad" bacteria by helping to restore the healthy balance of intestinal flora. It also aids digestion, lowers blood cholesterol levels, and can help you absorb more nutrients. Take it on an empty stomach before breakfast and about an hour before each meal.

Alfalfa - As one of the purest and most mineral rich foods on the planet, alfalfa is one of my top superfoods. Because of the fact it is so deep rooted (its roots can grow up to 130 feet deep) it picks up a ton of trace elements like phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, silicon, calcium, iron, and potassium, plus a boatload of other helpful vitamins and minerals, as well as digestive enzymes, and amino acids. Are you kidding me? Add Alfalfa to your rotation asap.

Aloe Vera - I like to take this as a juice because it cleanses the digestive tract and improves digestion. Efficient digestion is important for nutrient absorption, which as you know is very important when training. Aloe vera also helps heal gastro intestinal disorders such as constipation, ulcers, colitis, and various conditions of the colon. Plus it fights infections, holds varicose veins in check, and fights arthritis.

Here's a powerful toxin removing technique you can try using aloe vera juice: combine psyllium husk with aloe vera juice. It cleans out the pockets and folds of the colon and promotes normal function and balance. Aloe vera juice definitely lives up to the hype, plus some. Note: when drinking aloe vera juice, opt for brands that are 98 or 99 percent pure.

Barley Grass - This amazing supplement is a very good anti-inflammatory, plus it is chock full of all the essential amino acids. It is also high in iron, vitamin C, vitamin B12, calcium, flavonoids, chlorophyll, as well as helpful enzymes and minerals. I used barley grass quite extensively when I was sick with great results as it helps heal colon, stomach, and duodenal disorders. But don't skip out on barley grass just because you don't have a stomach problem! It has a ton of awesome benefits.

Chlorella - Chlorella is an edible alga which is very high in vitamin B12 (it contains all of the B vitamins), but also contains vitamins C & E, rare trace minerals, protein, and amino acids. If you choose not to eat meat, you can try supplementing with chlorella because it is essentially a complete food.

Chlorophyll - Chlorophyll is essentially the green pigment in leaves that absorbs sunlight and converts it into energy. This is what I like to call the "lifeblood" of plants. I like to drink chlorophyll rich juices made from raw foods because of their cleansing effect of the lymph, blood, and intracellular fluid. Chlorophyll will help your body digest food better, absorb nutrients more efficiently, and boost your energy levels.

Coenzyme Q10 - Studies have shown that over 75% of folks over the age of 50 are deficient in coenzyme Q10. A deficiency can result in poor blood circulation which can result in heart disease.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) - Contrary to popular myth, the body does need fat. It just needs the right KIND of fat. If you only take one supplement, make it Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are probably the most underrated, yet most powerful fat loss and health boosting supplement in the world. These "miracle" fats can increase metabolic rate, reduce blood pressure, reduce the risk of developing cancer and heart disease, reduce stress, protect from bone loss, improve mood, reduce inflammation and pain in joints, and much more.

It is very important to supplement with EFAs because they are necessary for health and they cannot be made by the human body. A few of my favorite EFAs are flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, fish oils, primrose oil, and grape seed oil.

Fiber - Because of the processing and refining of most of our food these days, the average American diet is desperately deficient in fiber. Foods such as whole grains, beans, fresh raw veggies, nuts, seeds, fresh fruit, and lentils are very high in fiber and should be eaten on a daily basis.

Due to the host of positive benefits of a high fiber diet (fiber helps prevent obesity, stabilizes blood sugar levels, prevents constipation, helps prevent colon cancer, lowers blood cholesterol levels, etc), I recommend everyone take a fiber supplement because it can be close to impossible to get enough fiber from a normal diet these days.

Be sure to stay within the 20-30 grams daily range as an overdose of fiber can decrease the absorption of important nutrients and give you painful gas, cramps, and bloating.

Note: Fiber can decrease the effectiveness and strength of medications and supplements when taken at the same time. Note: Don't use one of the crappy fiber supplements that contains any ingredient other than 100% psyllium husk. It is pointless to take a "healthy supplement" that is loaded with garbage ingredients like artificial sweeteners and additives.

Garlic - Garlic has been one of the top supplements in the world for over 2000 years. It is a shame more people don't harness the power of it! As a potent immune system booster and natural antibiotic, garlic can also reduce your risk of heart attack, fight cancer, destroy various viruses, as well has a host of other benefits. It is said that the allicin in garlic (the antibacterial property) has an effect equal to 1% of penicillin! You can use fresh cloves or use my personal favorite, the Kyolic supplement made by Wakunaga.

Kelp - Kelp is a type of seaweed and I like to use it as a salt substitute sometimes, not only because I like the taste, but because it is so rich in vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. I highly recommend using kelp, especially if you have thyroid problems

Kombucha Tea - This miracle tea is believed to have the power to reverse the aging process. I cannot personally vouch for this because I've got that young gene thing going on so you may have to ask me in 10 or 20 years lol. I love kombucha tea because it contains a host of health boosting substances, gives me a nice energy boost, and is a natural detoxifier.

Spirulina - If you want to look up superfood, look no further than spirulina. The concentrations of nutrients in spirulina are more than any plant, grain, or herb in the world. I'm talking, vitamin B12, chlorophyll, gamma-linolenic acid, iron, essential amino acids, and more! The high protein content in spirulina can also help stabilize blood sugar levels between meals and I like to use it in my raw juices.

Wheatgrass - Wheatgrass is real fuel from whole food that helps metabolic functions and it is chock full of minerals and enzymes. It contains protein, provitamin A, prostaglandins, trace elements, and chlorophyll. The nutritional value of this powerful supplement is off the charts!

Some experts have even said that one pound of wheatgrass is equal to about 25 pounds of the best vegetables! If there is a "miracle" supplement out there, I would have to say it is this one. I like to put wheatgrass in my raw juices or just hit up my local health food store or Whole Foods Market for a wheat grass shot!

Whey Protein - Ahhh yes I saved the best for last! Good ole whey protein...Maaaa the protein! Ok you may not know that joke but for those who do, I hope you got a good L-O-L out of it.

You'll probably already know that whey protein helps build lean muscle, but I bet you didn't know that whey protein can also enhance immune function, protect against free radical damage, and in some studies it has appeared to inhibit the increase of cancer cells! When you train hard in the gym, you need to eat more protein, and if you don't get the amount you need from food, you won't make the progress you want.

Whey protein powder is very cost effective, it is convenient, and it is perfect for pre and post workout supplementation. Of course nothing can replace real food, but a whey protein supplement is very important! My brand's of choice are Optimum Nutrition and Prograde.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Top 8 Ways to Acquire a Flat Stomach

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

What do celebrities such as Mario Lopez, Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Lopez, and Gabrielle Union all have in common? It's not the number of hit movies they have under their belt, or how much money they make per movie. It's that they all have lean, sexy, and defined stomachs! They have the treasured flat abdomens that you want so bad but don't know what to do to get it. That's where I come in. I am going to give you some tips on how to get that much treasured washboard stomach.

1. Consume low-GI foods. Your diet should consist mainly of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, poultry, and fish. Whole grains should be consumed in moderation as they are calorie dense.

2. Drink plenty of water. Also decrease liquid calories, such as fruit juices and other high-sugar beverages such as colas, sports drinks, and energy drinks.

3. Don't skip meals. Consuming 5-6 small meals per day will keep blood sugar levels stabilized and decrease unwanted sugar cravings while controlling metabolism.

4. You must resistance train. Your body needs muscle to burn fat. Also, resistance training will increase growth hormone, a powerful fat-burning hormone.

5. Sleep 7-9 hours per night. Proper amounts of sleep keep hormones such as cortisol and ghrelin from spiking which are culprits in abdominal fat and weight gain. Also, growth hormone levels peaks at night while you're asleep.

6. Perform 20-30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per day. A mix of steady-state and interval training throughout the week will help you to burn more total calories.

7. Stay active throughout the day. Working out at the gym for an hour then sitting for the rest of the day will not get you the washboard stomach that you want so badly. Increase your physical activity levels outside of the gym by performing housework or yard work; playing with your children; or taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work.

8. Last but not least, you must perform appropriate abdominal work. Plank variations, dead bug variations, reverse crunches, and other stabilization-type exercises work best at conditioning all of the abdominal muscles. Remember to stretch your hip flexors as well. When they are tight, they pull your pelvis forward, stretching your abdominal muscles and making them weak.

Follow these tips, and they will put you one step further to reaching your dream of having what many of the celebrities have-a flat, defined abdomen!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

How to Lose Weight Fast With a Fat Loss Diet

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

Many people give advice on the best ways to achieve fat loss, but there is no real mystery to it. If you combine regular workouts with a diet, fat loss is the result. The energy balance is the difference between calories consumed and calories expended. If you can expend calories through exercise, and reduce you daily intake a little with some mild to moderate dieting, you'll lose fat extremely effectively. You will accomplish your goals or losing weight quickly, get fitter, and be able to sustain the reduction of excess fat. This really is a simple and effective way to eliminate weight and assist you with keeping that fat off. Many people don't want to exercise but it really adds to your feeling of well being. Combine this with a healthy eating plan and you're all set for a fat free and healthy life.

Out of all the diets touted as being the 'most effective', the low carb diet is still very popular. What is a low carb diet? It essentially means eating a diet that is high in protein and fresh fruit and vegetables, but minimising the consumption of high carb foods like pasta, bread, and rice. A low carb diet need not be a 'no carb' diet, which is blatantly unhealthy. I have found that for rapid weight loss, restrict your carb intake to around 80 grams of carbohydrate a day and the weight will drop off. The problem with going for a diet too low in carbs is that once you come off it, the weight will likely return. This is why I advocate a 'reduced carb' plan such as the Paleo diet.

The way to avoid such fluctuations in weight is to combine the healthy eating plan with a quality exercise routing, concentrating on some cardio work and some resistance training, with weights, kettlebells or body weight exercises. To start with, do enough to feel good and enjoy it, and build it up week by week. It is really essential to combine your exercise regime with safe, moderate dieting to ensure that you will be successful. You will likely want to continue with your exercise even after finishing your weight loss plan.

One of the best ways to continue with your weight loss plan and maintain a healthy weight is to continue your weight loss plan permanently. There are a few good tips on how to lose fat fast. Eating more protein, less carbs, and ensure that your diet has plenty of fiber rich food stuffs. The protein provides the greatest satiation of appetite (you feel less hungry after eating protein), and fiber rich foods with a slow energy release also reduce the hunger pangs that are experienced with many modern processed foods. You metabolism will speed up, especially if you do some resistance training, and your digestive health will improve.

Here are some of the easiest ways to cut down weight.

One way to lose fat quick is to exercise on an empty stomach before breakfast. A run or weights session a few time a week will provide great results.

By just strength training. A healthy nutrition regime, some cardio exercises and hydrating with plenty of water, you will see some rapid weight loss.

How to Increase your Strength.

Strength training will certainly help to increase you aerobic fitness,strengthen your bones and connecting tissues, build muscle and help improve flexibility. It also assists with quick fat loss.

Burn Fat

Your metabolic rate is increased when you do strength training, and combined with dieting you will get even more fat loss.

I hope this brief article has provided you with some information and inspiration yo help you with your fat loss plan. It's not that hard. Just a little dedication and commitment and you will look and feel great in no time.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Weight Loss Tip: How To Lose Beer Belly Fat Fast

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

Do you want to know how to lose beer belly fat fast?

There are a lot of calories in beer and alcoholic drinks in general and you don't have to drink very much of it to start putting on weight. Your body converts the excess calories in the alcohol you drink into fat and stores it in convenient places around your body. One of the easiest places to store fat in your body is around your stomach and that's where a lot of the fat goes when you drink large volumes of beer. So how do you get rid of stomach fat fast?

Beer Belly Fat isn't very attractive

If you've managed to increase the size of your stomach by drinking too much alcohol then you might notice that you've become less attractive. Rolls of fat around your middle are often described as 'love handles' but that's only to be kind I'm afraid.

Have you been invited to a wedding or a party? Perhaps you have a job interview coming up. You might want to lose that belly fat fast for a number of reasons. I have a few tips for you below but first take a look at an article about a food that can actually help you to burn more fat without reducing the calories that you eat: Foods that help you to lose weight

Losing weight quickly and safely

The first thing you must do is stop drinking so much calorie-laden alcohol. This will reduce your calorie intake but you must be careful not to reduce your calories too much. Anyone can lose weight quickly by starving themselves but this can seriously damage your health because your body starts to burn lean muscle as well as your stores of fat.

Conventional wisdom tells us that slow weight loss of around 1 to 2 pounds a week is a healthy target when achieved through good nutrition and exercise. Slow weight loss programs like this are more likely to burn off fat not muscle and give you a good chance of keeping the weight off permanently but it's no good if you have a wedding to go to in 2 weeks time.

Lose weight quickly without starving yourself

Calories are important in any weight loss plan but it isn't the only thing that matters. It is true that if you burn more calories than you consume then your body starts to convert stored fat into energy to make up for the shortfall. However you should not reduce your calorie intake too much or you'll start to lose muscle as well as fat.

Exercise is important because the more you do the more calories you'll burn. Exercise alone isn't going to make you fit into your wedding outfit quickly however. So how can you burn off more calories and lose your beer belly fat quickly without reducing your calories to dangerous levels? The trick is to reduce your calorie intake a little, exercise regularly and persuade your body to burn as many calories as possible.

Trick your body into burning calories

There are one or two techniques that you can use to trick your body into burning more calories and enable you to lose weight faster. The first technique that I want to tell you about is to replace some of the fat in your diet with lean protein. Studies have shown that people that do this are able to burn fat easier even when they maintain their calorie intake. Eating many small meals rather than fewer large meals can also help your body to burn the calories that you eat and so make it easier for you to lose your stomach fat.

A relatively new technique puts you on a diet where you actually change the types of calories that you eat on a daily basis. If you eat the same kinds of foods all the time then your body is able to adjust your metabolic rate to keep your weight constant. This means that if you reduce the amount of calories that eat in an attempt to lose weight then your body just compensates by not burning so many.

If you change the type of calories that you eat daily then you can actually trick your body into keeping your metabolic rate up and burn calories fast. If you reduce the number of calories you eat at the same time then you'll lose weight. I think that this could be the best way how to lose beer belly fat fast.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse Diet - Lose Weight With Acai and Colon Cleanse Diet

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

Acai Berry needs no introduction. The weight loss benefits have been unparalleled and it seems finally we have a product which naturally burns excess calories. Following are the ways in which this wonder fruit leads to fat loss:

o Regulates Metabolism - The berry causes the calorie consumption rate to naturally go up. A person consumes more calories even while sleeping. These extra calories consumed leads to sustained weight loss. Since the calories lost is excess fat burnt and not water loss. The lost weight does not come back easily. But it is very important that a healthy diet is maintained.

o Suppresses Hunger - A lot of weight gained is due to the 'binge eating'. Acai provides natural energy to the body hence there is no craving for salty and sugary foods. These excess calories are avoided and there is no weight gain.

o Boosts Energy- The body is not starved during the Acai diet and the energy levels remain up.

The Acai berry diet works best if it's combined with natural colon cleansing foods. These are foods which are rich in fiber such as fruits, nuts and cereals. Flax seed is another excellent source of fiber and can help in colon cleansing. The foods assist the body to shed excess pounds in following way

o Helps drain harmful toxins from the body.

o Remove sludge from the stomach, this alone could knock off couple of inches from the stomach area.

o Improves food digestion immensely. This leads to better energy absorption and overall well being.

o Helps reduce blood pressure and regulate cholesterol levels

Now another important property of Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse Diet is that they retain their weight loss benefits when preserved. Thus leading to very effective weight loss supplements. Weight loss supplements are designed to work with the dieting process to help improve vitamin and mineral levels that may be missing in the diet.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

The best exercise to lose belly fat is not what you think. You can do sit ups till the cows come home and never see substantial weight lost. Your first exercise should be reducing your carbohydrate and fat intake. Once you have cleaned up your diet, you can start seriously thinking about the best exercise to lose belly fat. I would focus not on one, but three abdominal workouts.

First you should buy an inexpensive workout ball, the type you blow up. You will want to use this for three main exercises. You will want to target three sections of your abs muscles. The rectus abdominus which is the section responsible for the much coveted six pack look, the transverse abdominus located on the side and the external oblique which is also located near the side.

All three of these combines are the best exercise to lose belly fat. You need to understand something right now. You can sit on your exercise ball and do one sit up after another and never gain the results you desire. You need to learn proper muscle contraction at the top of every repetition. Now, let's look at three varied movements which will really begin to help you lose belly fat.

  1. Sit on the exercise ball with your butt and have your legs flexed and shoulder width apart. Place your hand across your chest. Make one repetition and squeeze the abs and the crunch position, I mean really squeeze them. Do this 25 times and you will start to feel the burn. I always commit to three sets of 25 reps.
  2. Lie on your back and place the exercise ball between your ankles. Raise the ball towards the sky and squeeze the abs. Lower the legs and squeeze the abs once more. Follow the same rep pattern as #1.
  3. Lie on your back and put the exercise ball under your knees like you would if you were lying on the floor watching TV and you had your legs on the couch, only this time your couch is the exercise ball. Lift your chin towards your knees with your hands across your chest and squeeze your abs at the top. Then slowly lower your chest while maintain tight abs. Follow the same repetitions as the exercises one and two.

These are the best exercises to lose belly fat. Plus, you should couple these with healthy eating habits and you are well on your way to a leaner and healthier you.