Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How To Lose Body Fat

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

It sounds like an easy question to answer but for most people knowing how to lose body fat can be puzzling.

Everyday, we are being bombarded with misleading ads and articles boasting that the best way to burn fat is to simply DO more cardio or use the whatever gimmick. Add to that the fact that there are so many conflicting stories on what's hot and what's not when it comes to healthy foods and you can easily find yourself in a dieters' hell.

Not surprisingly, this can get quite confusing for many people wanting to know how to lose body fat. Life should be simpler and to lose body fat, it's all about keeping it simple.

Here are 6 simple ways to loose body fat and keep it off -

1) Always Exercise 20 Minutes a Day

Always find an opportunity to exercise.Try to exercise at least 20 minutes a day, even if it's a gentle walk. It's far better than doing nothing at all.

Best yet, start a routine of going to the gym, 3 times a week and exercise an hour. Try mixing it up with strength training and interval training. You don't have to kill yourself doing it - just hop on a bike and do half an hour of weights.

2) When You Diet

Don't ever think, 'I have to eat less to lose weight'. What you should say to yourself is - "I am going to move more and I am going to eat well".

Look at having six healthy mini meals a day. The mini meals should consist of of a mix of protein and fiber rich complex carbohydrates.

The benefit of including protein and fiber is to give you a feeling of being satisfactorily full, and prevent any cravings.

3) Never Eat More Than You Feel

Before you have something to eat, ask yourself -"Do I really feel like it? And is the taste really good enough to be worth the calories?"

Always stick to 1 plate portions. And never eat ordinary food.

If you have the choice of between homemade ice cream and a 4 liter ice cream container - which one will you say 'yes' to? The quality homemade ice cream - of course!

4) Never Make Excuses

Too busy? Well, choose to make time! If you have to, get up earlier and train early in the mornings.
Exercising before work can start the day off right. Everyone has time to work out - just set the time 40 minutes earlier and get up before the
day starts!

5) Always Say 'Yes' to Chocolate

The simple pleasures that life offers can't be locked out.

Now and again, you can spoil yourself to a piece of chocolate mud cake, a glass or wine
or two in evening. Cutting out everything is just not living life!

But just make sure the next day, you get back to eating normally without giving it
a second thought.

There's no point beating yourself up about the occasional slip. And there's nothing more boring than steamed chicken and veggies. Who wants to eat like that?

6) Finding A Friend is the #1 Key to Success

Get a friend to exercise with you. Social support is probably one of the missing weight loss ingredients that people don't realize.

A weight loss partner can keep you focused, and if you feel like you're going off the rails -- you can call them up. It is a fantastic network to encourage and support each other.Hanging around the right people will help you lose body fat.

There you have it, 6 tips on losing body fat. Simple - ain't it?

Remember, life is suppose to be simple -- and enjoyable. And if you keep your plans simple, you'll lose the body fat for good.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Juice Recipes For Safe And Effective Fasting

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

This article reviews everything you need to know for a short or extended juice fast including benefits, precautions, preparation, and essential juice recipes. Juice fasts are increasingly popular for cleansing the body of harmful additives we consume through our standard American "junk food" diet. Juice fasts are also popular as a means of losing weight and fighting disease.

Proponents of juice fasting explain that unhealthy substances in packaged and processed foods build up in the body. The best way, and some even argue the only way to rid your body of these toxic chemicals is thru a juice fast.

However, many medical experts believe that drinking nothing but juice for an extended period of time is not only unnecessary, but dangerous. They point to the fact that the body has very powerful eliminative systems and thus doesn't need to cleanse itself with a diet of any kind.

Some experts concede that given the increasing prevalence of processed foods, the decreasing nutritional content of our mass-produced crops, and our habits of overeating, additional nutrients and some type of support for our digestive and elimination systems may help, such as an occasional fast. Drinking a freshly juiced drink in the morning and not eating anything until lunch or dinner on occasion may help your system concentrate on healing instead of digestion.

Caution. First of all,be careful of dehydration, exhaustion, and weakness. For many people, a prolonged juice fast causes low blood sugar levels, which leaves them tired and weak. And even though you're drinking juice, you may not be getting enough fluids. Symptoms of dehydration include a dry mouth, excessive tiredness, thirst, headaches, dizziness, and mental confusion.

Most importantly for anyone trying to lose weight with a juice diet, take care to be sure you are getting all the nutrients your body needs or you will actually see the opposite results - weight gain! Here's why.

Whenever you decrease your intake of nutrients, a complex process begins involving the slowing down of your metabolism and the release of special hormones. If you starve yourself of particular nutrients your body will begin to store instead of burn whatever food you consume, resulting in weight gain. Drinking special combinations of juiced fruits and vegetables while fasting as listed below will cleanse the body without lowering your metabolism.

Another important caution is knowing that an extended juice fast can affect your emotional health. Some people experience depression as their blood sugar plummets. Restrictive diets may actually lead to chronic dieting and even life-threatening eating disorders. If you're seriously thinking of an extended fast of any amount of time longer than one day a month, I recommend consulting your physician first just to be sure that a condition you may have is not aggravated by or a hindrance to fasting. Or start with a supervised weekend juice fast at a local spa.

Preparation. If you're serious about fasting, prepare yourself starting about five days before you begin. Slowly make the change from solid foods to liquids by slowly reducing grains, dairy foods, and meat. Eat more cooked vegetables, salads, fruits, and juices. By day 3 eat only raw salads, fruits, and juices. By day 4 narrow your food choices a bit more by replacing breakfast with juice.

Benefits. If you've chosen a fast lasting 2 or more days, your body undergoes changes. The largest change affects your system's pH balance - changing from acidic to alkaline which is particularly beneficial since disease is more comfortable in an acidic body.

Your stomach contracts and as your digestive tract is cleansing, you'll experience near miraculous weight loss. But this loss, keep in mind, is also ridding your body of vitamins, minerals, and up to 75 grams of protein a day. So be sure your juice recipes are nutrient rich - I list several of the very best below.

Along with weight loss, prepare yourself for hunger pangs, headaches, and light-headedness. And you'll be urinating - in surprising amounts.

If you decide to fast for a longer period of time such as four to seven days, your liver undergoes changes as well. It starts to excrete toxins and chemicals from your body. This activity may make you nauseous, tired, and nervous. Some individuals even report shortness of breath. Other symptoms may include bad breath, diarrhea, skin blemishes, and body odor.

If you embark on a fast of two weeks or longer, expect another set of symptoms to emerge involving the elimination of blood toxins. Experts claim that during such fasts the cleansing of deep tissues and organs occur resulting in a full range of emotions from stressed and irritated to euphoric. Many medical experts claim these emotional responses have absolutely nothing to do with the cleansing process, and are related to starvation.

Ending Your Fast. Just as you prepared your system for fasting, you need to warn your body that things will soon return to normal. Resist the temptation to eat large quantities of food. Slowly return to normal eating habits. This reduces stomach aches, indigestion, and diarrhea. Not only that, but it also ensures you're not over-stressing your organs, especially the liver, heart, and lungs.

To stimulate your digestive system, it's vital to follow a few simple rules when you begin to eat solid foods again. Sit down while you eat. This encourages proper digestion. Eat very small portions, and allow your stomach to get accustomed to food again. Most people who break a fast discover that it's best to tackle it in three distinct stages.

Stage 1 should last approximately half the number of days you were on the fast. The aim is to stimulate your stomach by eating only soft foods with high water content, such as light soups, fruit smoothies, and ground up almonds, sesame, or sunflower seeds.

When your body is ready to eat solid foods again, begin with juicing fruits such as watermelon, cantaloupes, oranges, apples and pears. Once you're eating these, try a few heavier fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers, peaches, apricots, and green bell peppers. Next - you are still in stage 1 - consume soups with vegetables or potatoes.

Stage 2 may last a day if you've performed a short fast, or up to five days for longer periods of not eating. Reintroduce your body to dry salads. If these sit well with you, add some dressing, but keep it simple. Most juicing experts suggest topping off the salads with olive oil and lemon, avocado, or tofu. In this stage, eat small quantities of nuts and seeds ground in salad dressings, juices, and even smoothies. Be sure to include thicker soups now. And don't hesitate to increase the amount of vegetables you're consuming.

Several foods you should avoid in this stage include: grains, beans, meat, and dairy products.

Stage 3 may last for only a day. If you've fasted for longer periods such as 10 days, this phase may last as long as five days. You can now reintroduce steamed vegetables, baked potatoes, and rice. Try eating cereal, grains, and breads. See how they sit in your stomach. Reintroduce your stomach to dairy products and some meat. Listen carefully to what your body is telling you. If it doesn't feel quite right, go slower. Don't force it. Avoid fried foods, high-fat cheeses, products with added sugar, and packaged and prepared foods

Juice Recipes For Fasting. The recipes below are specially formulated to insure that your body receives all the nutrients needed to function well while cleansing. Don't use one recipe only, rather use a different one each time you eat.

To Stop Food Cravings

cantaloupe, without the rind
1 cup strawberries

Detox Power Juice

1 wedge watermelon
lb. red grapes

Cleansing Green Juice

2 apples, peeled, cored
2 stalks celery
Handful of Swiss chard

Cleansing Radish Juice

1 apple, cored, peeled
1 beet
1 carrot, greens removed, peeled
10 radishes
Juice of 2 lemons
Zest of 2 lemons

1 cup sparkling mineral water (optional)

Sweet Detox Juice

4 carrots, greens removed, peeled
2 stalks celery
Handful parsley
2 cups spinach leaves
Watermelon Detox Power Juice

3 apples
1 lime, peeled
2 cups watermelon

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Truth About Six Pack Abs - Discover The Truth About Getting Sexy Six Pack Abs The Easy Way

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

Have you ever thought what it might take to actually get abs? Well in reality it can be a lot of hard work. But by following the main principles on sculpting that midsection getting those abs can actually be a lot easier and quicker than what you might think.

Most people fail when trying to get a six pack in various different ways whether it be diet and consuming to many calories that it becomes impossible to burn off the excess fat or over-training the abdominals leaving them weaker.

The truths behind getting a six pack are not complex or complicated and following simple guidelines can put you on the right track to reaching that ultimate goal.

Starting on your diet is the first step. Each and every person has a six pack! That's right everybody has one it just depends on how much fat you have actually got covering them. When on a weight loss program your stomach fat is usually the last to go and to get that fine definition on your abs your diet has to be ultra clean. Any excess fat stored is going to cover those abs no matter how hard you work them.

That doesn't mean you need to go on an extreme diet it just means keep an eye on what you eat and if you throw exercise into the mix you will slowly but surely release those abs, that's a fact! Keep your fat levels down and your protein levels up and your diet will help sculpt that six pack.

Your diet is probably the most important factor when it comes to unveiling a sculpted masterpiece of a midsection because training your abs is quite simple and quick. Most people are under the illusion when training the abs that the more they do the bigger they will get and the better they will show. That is a myth! Your abdominals don't get any bigger they just get stronger and by overtraining them which a lot of people do will only weaken them which in effect is the complete opposite direction to your ultimate goal.

You just need to keep them well oiled and ticking over. Like any of your muscle groups in your body they need rest to recover from a workout. That means training them three times a week is more than enough to keep them ticking over. The sort of exercises you actually do is pretty much up to you as researchers have found that what might work for one person doesn't for the next person. Your body is unique and certain exercises will benefit you more than others.

There are many exercises to look into from crunches, side crunches to leg raises and squats which all help in abdominal strengthening but finding what works best for you is down to you. One thing to remember when doing abdominal exercises is to always do any cardiovascular exercises before working your abs.

Also have high repetitions within your exercises rather than low repetitions and make sure you keep rest time to a minimum this way you will keep your metabolism working quickly.

The training side of the program as you can see is very simple and should only need to be carried out for no more than 20 minutes. The main component when trying hard to unveil your abs is of course your diet and if you keep to a strict diet and exercise program that burns more calories than you consume there is only ever going to be one outcome which is a six pack.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

How Your Diet Can Be Detrimental To Your Health If You Do Not Eat Right

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

It is not a secret that many people today abuse food. There are many people that over eat or under eat, and risk their lives in the process. Not eating right can lead to many dangerous health complications that can even be deadly. By not eating food correctly, you run the risk of cardiovascular diseases, sleep disorders, malnutrition, and the use of many medications, which in turn can affect how you feel and live. Many of these diseases and disorders can take your life if you are not careful. Learning to use food properly and eat healthy can stop these issues dead in their tracks, even reversing many disorders in full. It is very important to know what can happen to you if you are over or under eating.

How to Stop Overeating

Overeating is one of the largest food epidemics we face today. People are always super sizing meals and snacks, or eating for the wrong reasons. This can lead to obesity and related health disorders such as, diabetes and sleep apnea. To decrease such habits, one needs to realize how to eat properly and when to eat. It is vital to only eat when the body needs food to work. Eating for pleasure or comfort, as well as over eating in general, does not help the body in any way. It stretches the stomach out over time and results in a pattern of continual hunger and over eating. This causes more weight gain and poor self esteem, which leads to more eating for comfort. Only eating when you are truly in need of nourishment, and while controlling the portion size of the meals you eat can stop the vicious cycle. Eating several smaller meals and snacks over the course of the day will sustain your energy levels, while allowing you to burn more calories to lose weight, shrinking the stomach back to normal size over time, and improving your over health.

Not Eating Enough

There are many people who do not eat enough. This can happen for a variety of reasons such as, afraid of gaining weight, not enough time to eat, or because they do not feel hungry. This can also have dire consequences on the body. When we do not eat enough we begin to break down important tissues for nutrients. This can gravely effect how the body works. Once the body is in starvation mode it will begin to store any food we intake as fat immediately. This can back fire on losing weight and maintaining a healthy brain function.

If you do not eat enough the brain will begin to shut down certain systems in your body to conserve energy, or worse, use itself to maintain nourishment to vital organs. It is very important to make sure that if you are not able to sit down for meals regularly, you keep plenty of healthy snacks available at all times. Eating just small amounts throughout the day will take your body out of starvation and allow you to feel your best. It will also promote healthy weight loss, maintenance of a steady weight, and keep your bodily systems functioning optimally.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Losing Belly Fat Without Gym Workouts

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

A physically fit and lean body is often considered the ideal body type. Looking at actors, actresses, models and other celebrities, the average individual might feel self-conscious. While most of the fat on the body tends to melt away with a good nutrition plan and regular exercise, unfortunately that stubborn belly fat might linger even after meeting your personal weight goals. While it might seem difficult to lose belly fat quickly, particularly when going to the gym is not an option, it is actually a simple process.

Start in the kitchen. The only way to get rid of belly fat is through a combination of exercise and diet. Write up a nutrition plan that cuts out sugary and high fat foods. Instead, add more whole grain carbohydrates, lean meats like fish and chicken and numerous vegetables. Change snacks from cookies, chips and other junk food to fresh fruit which is low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals. While it is not necessary to completely cut out desserts, plan a dessert for only once or twice a week. Desserts are high calorie foods that do not add nutritional value. Diet alone does not burn out all of the fat, but it helps lower body fat content by lowering calorie intake throughout the day.

Create an exercise plan. Exercise is a necessary part of losing belly fat and building up the muscles. You might wonder how to lose belly fat quickly without those gym workouts and it is possible to work on exercises in the home and still burn away that stubborn fat. Consider options for cardiovascular workouts at home. For example, a cardio workout at home might include dancing in your bedroom, walking or jogging around the neighborhood, going for a bike ride or riding roller blades in the local park. Cardio exercise helps burn fat from the body, so it is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle.

Add some muscle-building exercises as well. While burning the fat throughout the entire body will help burn the fat on the stomach, the only way to get a flat stomach or get six-pack abs is through muscle-building. Spend time working on crunches, sit-ups and push-ups are perhaps the best exercises for shaping and strengthening the abs. Add other exercises like squats, lunges and training with dumbbells to help continue the fat burning process throughout the body. It is not actually possible to burn fat only in one area, so strengthening and burning fat from the whole body will help improve the look of the stomach.

The final key to burning fat from the belly quickly is through varying the intensity of the exercises. For example, one day a week run for one hour and then work on strength training for half an hour. The next day, bike for 20 minutes and take off the muscle-building.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How to Lose Belly Fat - 3 Killer Top Tips

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

Many of us are trying to lose weight in one way or another, especially belly fat because it can be the hardest area to lose it. However, with all of these new products, diets, methods and techniques it's so hard to find one that actually works for you, especially in the long-term.

Crash dieting and fasting, for example, is not only terrible for you, and in my opinion doesn't work, is also a very short term and dangerous solution to losing weight / belly fat.

This article focuses on how you can lose belly fat and the knowledge from the 3 tips I give below has been gained through experience and trial-and-error.

3 top tips on how you can lose belly fat:

Top Tip #1:

There are numerous foods out there on the market that are advertised as "health foods" but they have actually been cleverly and sneakily disguised as junk foods. These have the potential to stimulate your body to gain more body fat - this in turn continues to fund the diet food companies. Very sinister.

You need to start eating foods which can help you burn fat - these foods below take a lot of energy from your body to digest them which is why you'll lose more calories eating them, and they are very healthy for you:

- Broccoli

- Tomatoes

- Brown Rice

- Spinach

- Raw Peppers (all serious athletes constantly snack on these)

- Oatmeal

Just because this isn't a *magic tip* doesn't mean you should ignore these fat burning foods [http://www.rapidlylosebellyfat.com/Fat-Burning-Foods.html].

Top Tip #2:

Mundane, boring and repetitive cardio exercises are definitely not the best way to lose belly fat and reveal your stomach muscles.

A 20 minute interval training session has been proven by Japanese scientists to burn up to 10 times more calories than a 60 minute job at a consistent pace. It's all to do with shocking the body and keeping it guessing because that keeps your metabolism running sky-high. So, try doing hill sprints - all you have to do is sprint upwards on an incline (say for 20-25 seconds) and then walk down to your starting point. Do this on loop for about 10-15 minutes and you will be dripping in sweat! This completely squashes a normal jog or run in terms of calories usage. Try it today.

Top Tip #3:

Typical ab exercises such as crunches, sit ups and the use of ab machines is definitely not the best way to lose belly fat. There are much more effective full body training routines that maximise both your metabolic and hormonal response.

A great example of an exercise which burns off many calories is the use of a jump rope. Performing one jump for each turn of the rope and then two jumps for each turn will burn more calories in 10 minutes than a 30 minute jog. You will lose your belly fat doing this exercise, and it's one that I have personally seen great results from because it is so fast-paced and physical.

There are numerous techniques and exercises that will help you focus on losing belly fat and sometimes it's just a matter of experimentation, or listening to those who have already tried and tested these methods.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Toning Abs, What's the Secret?

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

Most people relieve that doing lots of abdominal exercises like situps is the best option for toning abs. This is completely wrong. If you want to get those perfect six pack abs you will have to focus on much more than doing these kind of exercises. Things like cardiovascular exercises and diet are much more important.

First you have to realize that spot reduction, getting rid of fat in one particular area like the stomach, does not work. If you want to tone your abs you have to lose fat all over your body. Doing exercises that target the abs may make them stronger, but they will not ,by themselves, tone them.

The only effective way to lose fat quickly is by creating a calorie deficit. This can be achieved through a combination of a good workout program (both cardio and strength) and a low calorie diet.

A good ab workout will not just focus on the abs, but on the entire body. This way you will not only get stronger and bigger muscles, you will also burn more calories and lose fat. Remember to never train the same muscle group more than once per week. They need time to recover and grow. If you work out too much you will not see the results you seek.

Abdominal exercises like crunches have their place in a workout program, but by themselves they will not do much good. You have to combine them with cardio and weight training if you want to get ripped abs.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Belly Fat - The One Sure Way to Lose It

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

When most people talk about losing weight, they're actually talking about losing the fat around their middle, the belly fat. How often do you hear people talk about their spare tire or love handles? What people really want, but haven't figured out how to get, is the flat stomach they had in their 20's or 30's.

To lose fat and regain the flat stomach of youth everyone thinks the answer is a lot of on-the-floor tummy crunches, hours on the treadmill and other abdominal exercises. Why do you think you see so many ab exercise machines advertised on TV? It's because people think stomach exercises are the answer. Not so! In fact, stomach exercises, especially using all those rollers, loungers and squeezers you see on TV, do nothing to flatten your tummy and give you the firm, shapely, fun-to-show-off abs you see in pictures.

The real solution is to lower the percentage of body fat in such a way that your firm abdominal muscles are once again visible. Look at kids running around playing and constantly on the go. Their body fat levels are extremely low because their high activity burns up their caloric intake.

So how do you, as an adult, do that? In reality, the best way to quickly burn fat is a well balanced, high resistance exercise program like the one developed by the world's number one abs trainer through years of dedicated research and daily gym testing. Couple that with good eating habits and you'll soon have firm abs and a flat stomach.

Many people go to their neighborhood gym where the emphasis is on cardio routines designed to keep the heart strong and pumping lots of blood. The instructor shows them which machines to use and off they go, but they don't lose weight or belly fat. Cardio routines aren't designed to remove fat. You'll sweat and breathe hard, but you won't lose weight.

Years of fitness research and daily testing by the world's most sought-after abs trainer has shown that dramatic results can be easily achieved using exercises designed for each specific muscle group to engage the body's "core" area and burn up fat. It's the one successful way to have a flat, firm stomach and little or no belly fat. It's a fun, invigorating way to reshape your body and have the trim, flat stomach and firm, rippled abs you see in magazines and on TV. Along the way you'll also get great cardio workouts.

Picture yourself as you want to look with a flat stomach, firm abs, trim hips, and new clothes to fit the new you. Imagine how good you'll feel knowing you've accomplished the weight loss and found the flat stomach you thought you'd never have again.

You can do it. Then, listen to all your friends say, "Look at you! How'd you do that?" Won't that feel great?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ways to Lose Belly Fat Really Fast - What to Eat to For Losing Belly Fat

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

We all in one way or the other have different problems in different areas in life, and very few of us are always really satisfied with the shape we have. Nevertheless, by taking into consideration some vital simple steps we can improve our body shape, health and the general well being of our life. If you are like me, you are carrying excess baggage round your middle and you are probably very enthusiastic about improving your health situation Belly fat is not only nasty but it has also been scientifically connected to many health problems like bloating, heart disease, stroke, cancer heartburn, and diabetes.. And you thought having a muffin top was the worst part! The good news is there are a number of ways to reduce belly fat, to feel prettier and avoid those daunting health risks.

These are few steps to help you take that scratch away for life:

Fat belly, can it be reduced by spot reduction? The bitter truth is that there is no such thing as spot reduction. Which means that, to lose some fats, on your belly there is need to bring an overall change in your routine? And that would mean lots of cardio, healthy eating habits and other great tips that would be mention below:

No exercise program, diet plan, or magic potion will help you change only one particular part of your body. These few tips are generally good things to integrate into a healthy lifestyle, but they will not contract your stomach and leave everything else the same.

Muscle is not weighing more than fat that is true! But the question is how can one pound of something be compared to another one thing? Both they are all equal to one thing

Sometimes people mistake this legend with the situation where someone undergoes an exercise but does not see any changes on the scale. It is very simple to understand of course, in this case, fat is been exhausted and there is a gain in muscular mass in which all of these tissues have weight. To make it even more clearer, fat does not contain muscle.

Tips on how to loss belly fat are:

· Eat healthy foods Often- Watch what you eat.

Don't be over happy simply because at the same time you need to reduce the size of your portions. To eat 5 to 6 times a day will first of all prevent you from overeating at meal times and it also keeps your metabolism completely workable at all times as it is regularly burning up foods.

· You should never miss breakfast

After you sleep for many hours and you do not eat, your body goes into what is called 'starvation mode'. This is very unacceptable for someone looking forward to eliminating belly fat because it slows down your metabolism will in turn burn fewer calories.

· Be careful with the food you eat

Start eating more fat burning foods like brown rice, vegetables, natural, whole grains, fruits, skimmed milk, lean poultry or meat, sea foods, and egg whites including pizzas, burgers, deep fried foods, bakery foods, fatty meats and all products which contains a lot of sugar. I am very sure all these foods are likely to be your favorite and you already know how to avoid them.

· You should be slow to eat.

Eat slowly. Practice the life of eating slowly by taking smaller bite then chewing it slowly too. By so doing, you'll avoid overeating and bloating.

· Efficiently carry out an effective exercise

The exercise that really gets your heart thrashing and burning the fat are the cardiovascular exercises. In that case cardio such as jogging, aerobics, brisk walking, and cycling are the best recommended types of exercises for bringing down you belly. Always do exercise before taking your breakfast so that you'll only burn the excess fat in your body since there are no foods to burn that makes it the best time to burn off that stubborn fat in you belly.

· Drinks

It is good to always hydrate your body this is very necessary to do in a daily basis. This will help you lose belly fat problems because dehydration will make your liver not to work properly which will in turn affect the fat burning process. Take lots of hot drinks it neutralizes fatty foods in your body. More also, drinking green tea is great for you yes but you still need to do much more than just taking green tea.

Don't be mislead, there are no secrets and there are no short-cuts to losing belly fat. It takes determination, persistence, motivation, perseverance, and hard work to get it perfectly done.Harder for some people and for others it is part of them. Willingness so as to see that results you wanted as simple as that.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat - Fast and Easy!

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

You might think that the best exercise to lose belly fat is not an actual exercise, but liposuction. Well, that's partially true, but the thing is, even if you go for a liposuction, and you continue having the same bad eating habits, the fat on your belly will soon be back on, and you have to start from scratch. So, if you are really looking for the best exercise to lose belly fat, read this article.

As already said, what you eat is of the utmost importance. Cut sweets, fast food and cola or other beverages that are not 100% natural. Basically you want to reduce your fat and carbohydrate intake. Once you do that, you are already on the way to lose some of that belly fat. So, now that you started eating up a little bit more healthy, you can start thinking about exercising and about the best exercise to lose belly fat.

Before you start doing countless sit ups, you should first buy a workout ball. You don't have to spend a fortune - just buy a cheap one you can inflate, as it will do just fine. This ball will be used and will aid you tremendously in working your abs muscles. Basically, you'll want to focus on the three main sections of your abdominal muscles, which are: - rectus abdominus - this gives you the much wanted six pack look - traverse abdominus - the muscles located on your sides - and the external oblique - the ones that cover your ribs

Working on all of the above abdominal muscle section will give you a set of abs that will cut trough diamonds. So, here's what you need to do. First of all, forget about the preconceived idea that if you sit on your exercise ball and do thousands of sit ups you'll get a six pack and lose belly fat. What you need to do is focus on the proper muscle contraction each time you do a rep. You need to inhale and contract as you exhale - that's the big secret. Let's say you do a standard sit up. When you're way down on your back, you want to inhale, and as you go up, exhale. Makes sense?

Okay, now that we've made this clear, let's take a look at three amazing abdominal exercises you can do to lose belly fat.

For the first exercise, you will need to sit on your exercise ball. Your legs should be knee flexed and shoulder wide apart. With your hands placed across your chest, and in the crunch position squeeze your abs. Do 25 reps, and you'll feel the burn. After 3 sets, you'll really feel how this starts shedding fat.

The next exercise will require you to lie down on your back with the exercise ball between your legs. You will want to hold it with your feet and ankles. Then, you guess it, lift up the ball till you make a 90 degrees angle - meaning lift the ball up toward the ceiling. You will want to sustain yourself with your hands, so keep them straight and on the floor. Do 25 reps and you'll feel the burn!

Okay. For the final exercise, lie down, and place the exercise ball under your knees. Place your hands behind your neck, and lift your chin up towards your knees. You can place your hands across the chest if it makes you feel more comfortable. When you're at the top, squeeze those abs, and then lower your chest slowly, while you still maintain your abs tight. Again, 25 reps in 3 sets.

Friday, July 20, 2012

If You Lose Fat, You Can Be Sure of Your Health

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

All the scientific clues and findings point out that by becoming fat, you become more prone to ailments like diabetes, blood pressure and heart diseases. Though it can not be emphatically said that you will be affected by these ailments, it is better to be cautious and hence losing fat as quickly as possible is suggested.

Experts suggest that you should eat slowly to lose fat fast. This is because your brain does not realize that you are eating to fill your stomach till twenty minutes after you commence eating. But if you eat fast, you will have a tendency to over-eat before your brain comes to know of them. But if you eat slowly, your brain gets sufficient time to know this and so you will not over-eat. This is one of the best ways to lose fat fast.

You should never eat your food when you are under stress. This will create a tendency to overeat. You should not carry your office worries to your home and should not allow your domestic worries to disrupt your official work. But if you allow your worries and stress to disturb you, psychologically you will feel strong if you overeat. In the same manner if you do not sleep well during nights, during the next day over-eating makes you feel strong enough to overcome the strain due to the previous sleepless night. So you should learn to manage stress and also have a good night's sleep so that you will not be developing tendencies to over-eat and decelerate your efforts to lose fat fast.

You should take the help of water to reduce your intake of your regular diet. You can also get the other benefits of drinking plenty of water. Water bestows immense benefits to your body. It flushes out wasteful toxins from your body and hence you will succeed in losing fat. Water also fills your stomach fast. That is the reason it is suggested that you should drink two or three glasses of water before you commence eating your food so that you will eat less and lose fat fast.

If you have a habit of drinking carbonated drinks like bottled drinks and sugary soda for quenching your thirst, you should stop the habit immediately. Sugar is bad carbohydrate that can not be burned completely and so it accumulates as fats in your body. Instead, you should drink a good amount of water when you are thirsty. Apart from the other benefits, water hydrates your body from the inside. This improves your resistance power so that you will not be affected by infections.

You should not eat while you watch your favorite program on television. Without your knowledge, you will over-eat if you do so. You should focus only on eating and not on any other discussions or official work. That is why experts do not advise business lunches and business dinners because these may cause harm to your health due to overheating.

Your aim should be to under-eat your food. Your food should occupy only 70% of your stomach space and the remaining space should be left for water and gas. If you over-eat, you will not be able to abide by this advice and hence you should find out ways to under-eat. One way is to drink water prior to your meal. Another way is to eat a good amount of salads and fruits before your meal. These salads and fruits have the capacity to fill your stomach fast and hence you will not overeat your regular meal. You cn also drink more sips of water in the midst of your eating and this may also reduce your intake of your normal diet.

By adopting these simple steps, the day of your success for your efforts to lose fat fast will not be far off.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How to Tone Your Stomach and Make Your Abs Show

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

If you want to tone your stomach and make your abs show, then you'll want to read every word of this article.

Here's why. I'm going to share with you a two step plan that works like gangbusters.

Shockingly enough...

The only thing I've seen work better is liposuction! And if you apply this simple two step plan over the next 14 days, you will start to see some very good results. But I must warn you, it will not work unless you're consistent. Slacking' won't cut it here.

This two step plan contains one food secret and one exercise secret. They work hand in hand to remove fat, tone your stomach and make your abs show. The food secret is designed to remove the top layer of fat from your abs and the exercise secret is designed to firm and tone.

Let's begin...

You cannot get rid of your top layer of ab fat unless you stop eating junk carbs... Period.

This means...

-- No Pizza

-- No Pasta

-- No Bread

-- No Ice Cream

And no other "starchy" carb foods during the P.M. hours.

Call it dieting, call it anything you want. But you must rearrange your eating and avoid all such starchy foods during your P.M. hours (This usually means the last two meals of your day).

Now. Examples of great P.M. foods that you can eat are lean animal proteins and vegetables.

So eat things like a spinach and chicken salad or turkey and black beans. Or anything else like that.

Seriously, this food secret alone, practiced over two weeks time, will create a dramatic difference in the appearance of your stomach. You'll lose fat. Your midsection will look thinner. Way thinner!

Now. The second secret is designed to tone your stomach.

Following this exercise secret will give you definition in your midsection so when you lose the fat, you'll have sexy looking abs.

An upper/lower ab exercise combo works the best here.

Here's what I mean... You want to work a combination of your upper abs and lower abs all together.

An example of an upper ab exercise would be half crunches. Simply lay flat on your back or on a ball and then raise your torso half way up... focusing on squeezing your upper abs. Make sure you "feel the burn". Then for your next exercise, focus on your lower abs. Do something like hanging knee raises. Once again, make sure you "feel the burn". You want to do these exercises for 15 to 20 repetitions at a time, four sets each. That means, do those upper ab crunches fifteen to twenty times, then rest, then repeat that cycle three additional times. Do the same for your leg lifts. This is not the easiest thing in the world. But it works really well to tone your stomach. So do it at least five days per week.

Ok. So there's the plan.

If you follow that two step plan whole-heartedly for the next 14 days, you can begin to make your abs show.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Best Way to Get Rid of Belly Fat - 4 Sure Fire Ways to Get Rid of Stomach Fat

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

If you want the best way to get rid of belly fat - then pay attention to 4 simple tips you can use now to get rid of stomach fat for good!

Best Way to Get Rid of Belly Fat

1. Get Moving - Any exercise is better than none. Once you start to build up your fitness, you'll be amazed at how quickly you feel the benefits of a healthier body. You'll have a lot more spring into your step, and the compliments you'll get will have you wanting to step out even more.

And when your fitness improves, get into 'stop start' training - these kind of high intensity training will stimulate more of fat burning metabolism and get you into shape faster. But start out slowly.

2. The best way to get rid of belly fat is to Control your meal - stick to the 1 plate rule if you want to get rid of stomach fat. No second serves. However, there are quite a few of us that have been taught to eat everything on our plate. Unfortunately, this habit is hard to break.

But you can improve on that by using smaller plates or bowls. This will literally trick your eye into thinking you have more food. Another way to get the right portions is to use your plate as a guide. Fill half of your plate with vegetables, one-quarter for whole grains, and one-quarter for protein. This makes eating healthier a snap - and much easier to getting rid of belly fat.

It may be difficult at first, but overtime your body will adapt to the smaller portions, and you feel better for it. And this is where having six healthy mini meals a day helps - eating MORE OFTEN but in controlled portions to curb the cravings!

3. A healthy way to lose weight - Break that soda habit - most of us eat too much sugar. By consuming too much sugar, you will gain more weight. And the best way to start reducing your sugar consumption is cut down on the sodas, diet sodas and energy drinks. When ti comes to an overall change to your eating habits - go for the gradual reduction approach. Although cutting out completely the sugary drinks is recommended - gradually reducing the amount you drink will help you avoid feeling deprived.

4. Now this is truly the best way to get rid of belly fat - GET INTO THE HABIT. Try to do at least two things to get closer to your goal each day. Even if you don't have time for a full workout, take a 10 minute walk around the block. Or if you're ordering take away, choose a menu for healthy salad or vegetarian dish. Every small choice you make can make a difference and increase your chance to get rid of stomach fat.

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Best Cardio Workout to Burn Fat Quickly

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

The Two Common Cardio Workout Approaches

If your goal is to burn body fat, you have a few different approaches to chose from. The majority of trainers recommend you take the low intensity approach to cardio. The idea behind doing cardio at a low intensity level is that most of the calories burned will come from body fat. Many people believe that if you workout too hard, you are burning carbohydrate energy in the body and not targeting fat. Many people make the point that more total calories are burned if people exercise at a higher intensity level. They reason that if you simply burn more calories than you consume in a day, you will lose body fat. So now we will look in more detail at each school of thought.

Low Intensity Cardio Workout Approach

Low intensity cardio is the most popular form of cardio and is pushed by many personal trainers. Low intensity cardio works at targeting body fat and that is why it is recommended by many personal trainers. University studies have proven low intensity cardio uses fat calories instead of burning muscle carbohydrate calories for energy. If the body burns fat for energy, you will lose body fat. It just makes sense. It is important to choose cardio machines that can track your heart rate. It will let you monitor your heart rate during your cardio workout to allow you to hit the ideal intensity level. After about 10 minutes or so, you should be close to reaching your ideal heart rate. Staying within that target heart rate for at least 30 minutes is what is recommended by most experts.

The High Intensity Cardio Workout

This is a less utilized form of cardio. High intensity training involves pushing past your pain threshold a bit, so fewer people choose this route. This cardio method can give great results in burning body fat if done properly. The total calories burned in high intensity cardio are greater than low intensity cardio. Some of those calories come from your body fat and some come from glycogen (carbohydrates stores within your muscles). When you burn more calories in your cardio workout than what you consume, you create a calorie deficit. If you burn a more calories during the day than what you eat in food, you will lose weight.

The Limitations of the 2 Types of Cardio Workouts

Once you get your heart rate up to the correct level, the low intensity cardio workout will burn body fat. The downside is that it can take up to 10 minutes to get your heart rate to the correct level to burn body fat. The first 10 minutes of this cardio workout are somewhat unproductive. High intensity cardio is hard to maintain for long periods of time since it takes a lot of effort. Working at an intense level for over 10-15 minutes is extremely difficult.

How to Combine The Two Approaches Into One Awesome Cardio Workout

When performed in a certain manner, it is possible to benefit from doing both types of cardio in the same workout. You can make the first ten minutes of the low intensity cardio workout productive, by starting your cardio workout off at a high intensity level. Find a treadmill or exercise bike and set it at a high level. Push yourself really hard for 10-15 minutes. Once you are really working up a sweat, switch to a low intensity and keep it there for 20-30 minutes. This will burn calories and create a calorie deficit as well as burning body fat during the workout. I maintain an 8% body fat percentage year round using this cardio approach.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Best Way to Lose Stomach Fat Through Smart Eating

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

Tired of having too much belly fat? For many people stubborn abdominal fat is a big problem. Not only is it an ugly turnoff but studies have shown that deep belly fat -- AKA "intra-abdominal" fat -- is probably the most dangerous type of body fat. The best way to lose stomach fat as quickly and healthily as possible is a combination of smart eating and regular exercise. Follow the proven diet tips below and you'll soon be watching your ugly belly fat melt off (while feeling a lot better at the same time)...

1. Eat some form of protein at every meal - Lean protein is a "fat burning" food because speeds up your metabolism, stabilizes blood sugar and insulin levels, helps to build muscle tissue, and keeps you feeling full. Lean meats, eggs, low-fat dairy products, nuts, seeds, and whey protein powder are all great forms of healthy, high quality protein.

2. Eliminate most grain products from your diet - For the most part, eating large amounts of grain foods is going to make losing stomach fat much more difficult. Try eliminating all foods containing wheat, corn and rice and see if you don't feel better, have more energy, and lose more weight in less time.

3. Eat lots of veggies and a couple servings of fresh fruit each day - Fresh or frozen vegetables and fruits are the best carbohydrates to eat when you're trying to burn belly fat and get leaner. They're high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and other healthy nutrients but low in calories. Raw is best but steamed veggies are a good choice as well. Avoid high-calorie dried fruits and fruit juices.

4. Watch for sugar - Sugar comes in many forms and it can definitely ruin your weight loss efforts, sometimes without you even noticing. Learn to read labels and try to avoid anything that contains more than a gram or two of sugar per serving. Obviously avoid all soft drinks and juices that contain sugar, corn syrup, etc. Even things like canned tomato sauces often contain high levels of sugar so you must be on the lookout at all times!

5. Limit processed foods - In general, the less a food has been processed or touched by other humans the healthier it is for you. Processed snack foods -- including many of the so-called "diet" foods -- aren't going to help you lose your abdominal fat. Eating foods like lean meats, raw fruits, fresh or steamed vegetables, raw nuts, and raw seeds on a regular basis -- and avoiding highly processed foods as much as possible -- is going to get you to your weight loss goals faster than just about anything else.

6. Eat one portion of "starchy" food per day - For many reasons, eating high-starch foods like breads, cereals, and pastas is counterproductive when trying to lose body fat. You'll get a leaner, better-looking body in less time by only eating one serving of starchy food per day. The healthiest choices are sweet potatoes, oatmeal (no sugar added), quinoa (a very unique and healthy grain you can find in many health food stores), and beans (no fat or low fat).

7. Limit alcohol consumption - If you regularly drink alcohol you're really shooting yourself in the foot in terms of your weight loss progress. It's called a "beer belly" for a reason and you'll never lose it if you're downing more than one drink (12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine) per day.

8. Eat more "good" fats each day - Avoid eating foods containing or cooked in vegetable oils made from corn, sunflower, and safflower. Also, avoid all partially hydrogenated oils -- the main source of dangerous trans fats. At the same time, don't try to completely cut fat out of your diet because it will hurt your overall health and make losing weight much more difficult. Focus on getting more good fats into your diet by cooking with olive oil and eating foods rich in healthy omega-3 fats like fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts.

9. Drink a lot of pure water - Drinking lots of water throughout the day is definitely one of the best ways to lose stomach fat. When you drink large amounts of water you help to curb your appetite, control food cravings, speed up your metabolism, and flush toxins out of your body. For an added fat burning "boost" make the water ice-cold so that your body has to burn more calories to warm it up.

By the way, if you're looking for an extremely effective and easy-to-understand guide to losing stomach fat, building muscle, and looking better fast I highly recommend the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle program located here:


Friday, July 13, 2012

Swimming Workouts For Abs - Does Swimming Burn Belly Fat?

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

Doing swimming workouts is an excellent way to stay in shape and burn some calories, but is this really an effective way to burn belly fat? Are swimming workouts good for your abs?

As swimming is a cardio workout that does get your heart pumping, your muscles straining, and your body moving, it does burn calories and body fat. It doesn't target belly fat specifically, no, but it does help to reduce fat from all over your body, your stomach included.

If you're going to be swimming a lot and your goal is to lose lots of belly fat and get flat abs, you will need to keep in mind that swimming is not a recreation or just a fun filled activity any more. You're going to have to get serious about it if you want to see the best fat burning results from it.

I recommend that you set some preliminary and long term goals for what you wish to achieve with swimming.

As the levels of your belly fat and muscle tone depend on more than just your workouts (other factors include your diet, sleep habits, lifestyle, and so on), I want you to set goals of laps and speeds to determine how well you're progressing in the pool.

The purpose of setting goals is not to become the next Michael Phelps but to give you something measurable to strive for, to work hard to achieve. If you're determined to be able to complete 50 laps in 6 months, you will put in a lot more effort in the pool to achieve this. This will make you workout harder will will also be good for your abs.

Swimming is an excellent way to burn belly fat because it involves a few elements that all contribute to rapid calorie and fat burning:

1. Swimming is an excellent, fat burning cardio workout. It burns fat all on its own.

2. Swimming workouts are also strength workouts. You're actually building muscle tissue and getting a cardio workout at the same time.

3. You're working your entire body while in the pool and burning more calories as a result.

As you can see, working out in the pool can be a very good way for you to lose some body fat, get in shape, and improve your physical fitness level. I urge you take this sport seriously and you will get the best results.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Weight Management Product Just a Sensational Magic Wonder Pill

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

With nearly 110 million Americans overweight, of which 30% are considered obese, the health authorities have their work cut out to get societies weight to a comfortable level. The reasons for this increase are numerous.

The rise of fast food joints on every street corner, the soda pop culture, overeating, advertising, processed foods, additives, the slowing down of our metabolism as we age-you name it. As weight loss can take time to get rid of, many decided to take a short cut and use weight loss tablets. From the 1950s up until the 90s many doctors prescribed pills to aid weight watchers in their efforts. By increasing the serotonin levels in the brain, the individual believes his stomach to be full and the desire to eat is gone. As knowledge grew on these issues, it became apparent that the side effects were considerable.

Heart Valve disease was one of the major reasons these pills were taken off the shelves. The pills were an important factor in the development of this condition. With FDA approval now a constitutional requirement for drug manufacturers, the public is safer from the dangers of harmful substances.

In keeping with our fast culture, it seems normal that we would want to take a pill and get rid of weight. But life is not that simple.To make these gains in effective weight loss without sacrifice or pain is something we would all want. But how realistic is that?

Diet pills can be purchased with prescriptions from the doctor. In some cases there have been clinical tests to prove the effect of these pills and some successes in weight reduction.However other considerations have to be looked into. When an individual stops taking these pills they can be susceptible to withdrawal symptoms. This can include nausea, shortness of breath and dizziness.Other symptoms have included irritability,fatigue,vomiting,insomnia and nightmares.

A weight management product [http://www.rizenwood.com] combined with an exercise regime, is the best way to lose weight. A low calorie diet when put together with a sensible exercise routine will work better than any magic pill.

Simple exercise like brisk walking will yield fast results. We can't have our cake and eat it. We have to make sacrifices. The feel good factor of being successful is something you won't want to miss out on. The transformation will be complete with your active participation. With cardiovascular exercise and weight training we speed up our metabolism by burning fat and not increasing appetite. The disciplinary benefits will be more rewarding than popping any magic pill.

Many people today are making successful transitions and living better, healthier, happier lives. Information available is transforming the lives of thousands of Americans and Europeans each and every day.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tips For a Sexy Bikini Body

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

Are you slightly hesitant about being able to fit into your brand new bikini? Well, all those boxes of fried chicken, pizza and donuts piling up in your refrigerator aren't helping. Plus sitting in front of the TV day and night watching sweeps week will slow your progress as well. However, do not despair. Here are some tips on helping you to get a sexy bikini body.

A healthy diet is the key to creating and maintaining a body that your best critics would kill for. All you really need to do is stay motivated and focused and you'll see results in no time at all. When counting calories, remember that one pound equals 3500 calories. A safe and healthy way to loose weight and diet is by reducing your daily calorie intake by 500 calories per day. Eat plenty of protein, stay away from high carb meals, sugar (unless it's natural sugar) found in fruits. Opt for water over fruit juices and sodas and by all means, try your best to stay away from alcohol. They're empty calories that will counteract all of the hard work you've put in up to that point.

Proper and consistent exercise will keep your energy levels high and the pounds will seem to melt away before your eyes. Here are some cardio exercises to hit those troubled spots: For your abs and torso area, crunches and sit ups will help shrink your stomach and even lessen the amount of food you can eat. For your arms and shoulders, elliptical and small weights will firm up any flabby areas and give you an even skin tone. For hips, thighs and buttocks, cycling, running and jogging (getting your heart rate up to 65% of its maximum, which is 220 minus your age times 0.65) burns fat and calories. Plus it tones up all of those loose areas below your hips that shake and jiggle. Remember you must do the above exercises for 30-60 minutes a day at least 5 times a week. The best time is usually before you start your day so afterwards your energy level will be elevated and you'll breeze through your daily schedule.

So, remember these few extra suggestions that will help you to stay on the right track while working towards your better bikini body. Avoid high calorie snacks. Stick with fruits and vegetables if you're hungry in between meals. Keep moving. Don't sit around and become a permanent fixture on the couch. Walk to the store, walk up stairs instead of elevators and do spot exercises while sitting at a work desk or dinner table. Be positive because if you follow these instructions, you will see results and treat yourself to something nice that's not food when you do. Good luck.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How to Lose Weight Fast - 5 Tips to Turn Your Body into a Super Fat Burning Machine

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

If you think that losing weight is easy, it's likely that you've never experience firsthand the process of getting rid of some pounds. The process on how to lose weight fast is an arduous process although it should not always be the case. Below are 5 ways on how to lose weight fast:

1. Consume lots of Water - This is for an obvious reason that water will work as filler hence you won't feel hungry most of the time. Try to drink a large glass of water before meal; you'll eat lesser on the table because your stomach will feel full.

2. Chew your Foods Properly - It is important to eat your food slowly not just for the reason that this will make you appreciate the taste of the food better but for the reason that it helps you not to overload foods on your stomach.

3. Stay Home - Try not to go out most of the time because doing this will lured you to go to fast food chains that are selling foods high in fats and oils. Eating at home will further help you to prevent extra calories plus you'll save money by means of preparing meals on your own.

4. Cut Down on Condiments and Desserts - If you like to add mayonnaise on your foods or you take pleasure over sweet foods, try to go for healthier alternatives. Opt for fruits and vegetables instead.

5. Never Skip Breakfast - Making sure that you eat every morning is a good way for you to be able to jump start metabolism. This will further make your fat burning engine running all through the day.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Best Fat Burning Supplement: The Correct Way to Choose The Most Useful and Safest Product

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

If you are trying to shed pounds and keeping a diet seems a useless effort, you'll decide to turn to some extra help: fat burning drugs. Maybe you have heard from a pal what the best fat burning supplement is, or maybe you have read a magazine advert commending certain herbal pill.

Regardless of the situation, there are a few things to check ahead before beginning using any type of dieting medication. But first, let's see how your body is meant to shed weight and how exactly fat burning medications may help.

In order to lose weight, you need to expend more energy than it is receiving, for instance when physical activity or consuming less. When this negative balance of energy is created, your body begins to break down carbs and fats and you begin to lose weight. Fat burning supplements work in various ways however, their significant role is to help the body break down fats in a better way.

There are many kinds of fat burning pills and choosing the best far burning supplement could be a hard task. The key problem stems from the indisputable fact that not all diet tablets you'll come across are approved by the Food and Drug Administration and safe to use. Actually, even natural fat burning medications would possibly not be safe. Here are a few things to be careful about:

- Aristolochic acid is generally found in Chinese weight-loss pills. Consumption of this substance can increase the risk of urine canal issues as well as urine canal tumorigenesis.

- Kava containing diet additions elevate the risk of liver problems and even serious liver injury and liver failure. Folk with existing liver condition must avoid using fat burners featuring Kava; those without liver issues have to consult a physician prior to starting such medications.

- Fat burners containing ephedra, guarana or Kola nut, white willow, and chromium are connected with diverse complications like giddiness, changes in blood pressure or heart beat rate, headache, stomach distress, chest pain, myocardial infarction, hepatitis, stroke, seizure episodes, psychosis, and even death.

Therefore how are you able to know if a product advertised as the best fat burning supplement is good and safe? The sad truth is you can't.

Unlike medicines, diet pills, plus fat burners, generally don't undergo thorough testing and screening for efficacy and safety. Also, even fat burning supplements containing vitamins, caffeine and/or proteins may be damaging if taken in massive doses or for a long while. Things get far more complex as a lot of fat burning pills may contain ingredients not detailed on the package. Because such fat burning products are not controlled by the Food and Drug Administration, there is no guarantee that what is explained on the package is essentially in the product and vice versa.

But conventional mineral and vitamin additions labeled United States Pharmacopoeia have undergone testing and may be safe and effective provided that used according to the manufacturer's instructions. Additionally, nationally known makers typically make supplements according strict QC procedures.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Best Fat Fighting Foods - Eat These Foods to Burn More Fat 24-7

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

If you can't look in the mirror and feel satisfied with what you see, then you have a problem. Many people think exercise is the answer, but it's not. I know lots of people who exercise 30 minutes or more each day and still have unsightly excess fat hanging on them somewhere. Maybe it's around your middle and you can't see your abs even though you've done thousands of crunches. Maybe your butt and thighs jiggle more than they should, or maybe your underarms flap like batwings. Whatever the problem area is, I'm sure it drives you insane and you feel super-frustrated because exercising more doesn't help. If this sounds familiar, guess what? Exercising more isn't going to help. You need to take a hard look at what's going in your mouth at each meal!

The type of food you eat is the #1 cause of not having a body you feel confident enough to show off. Nutriiton is 80% of the weight loss equation. Yeah, it's THAT important! You can't burn fat, build muscle, lose weight or change the way your body looks with exercise if you aren't feeding it properly at every meal. So let's take a look at some of the best fat fighting foods from each food group you should be eating every day.

Best Fat Fighting Foods #1 - Lean Meats
Whether it's beef, chicken, turkey, pork or fish, lean proteins are a dieter's best friend. Why? Because lean protein is metabolically costly. That means the body uses more calories to break complete animal proteins down into a usable form than any other type of nutrient. How lean should your protein be? Buy meats that are at least 95% lean. They may cost a little more, but you aren't wasting what you buy.

Best Fat Fighting Foods #2 - Dairy
If you're going to eat dairy, choose low fat and fat free cottage cheese or whey protein over regular cheeses or milk. Why? Cottage cheese is mainly made of the protein casein. This protein is slow to digest and provides a continuous supply of protein to the body. Cottage cheese is the best bedtime snack for anyone wanting to lose weight or build muscle. Whey protein, on the other hand, is a very fast digesting protein and is the best choice to replenish muscles immediately after exercise.

Best Fat Fighting Foods #3 - Vegetables & Fruits
You're probably going to make a face, but one of the biggest nutritional powerhouses in this food group is kale. Yep, that green stuff that is only considered a garnish to be thrown away. Spinach is another good green and is much milder tasting. Eating more fruits and vegetables is always a good idea and very few of us actually eat enough.

Best Fat fighting Foods #4 - Healthy Fats
Did you know you need to eat fat to burn fat? The problem is that we eat the wrong kinds of fat. Fat that comes from flax seed, raw nuts, unrefined coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, fatty fish and avocados can actually help you lose weight. A few tablespoons added to your meals over the course of the day can increase your metabolism.

But what about grains? A predominately grain based diet is the top reason 60% of the population is overweight and they should be last on your list of fat fighting foods. You should only eat grains if they are 100% natural whole grains. Anything else will stop you from losing weight and looking your best.

Those are just a few of the best fat fighting foods available to help you speed up your metabolism and lose weight faster. Changing your eating habits can be hard, but having a body you can be proud of in any social situation is well worth the effort. Change your habits day by day and watch your body respond.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Nice Abs - Some Great Ways to Get a Stellar Midsection

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

Just about everyone wants to have nice abs that make them look great. Unfortunately many people try to get nice abs by doing all the wrong things! If you make some of the mistakes that are discussed in this article it is likely that you will never get a solid six pack.

Mistake #1: Trying to do too many crunches to lose stomach fat

If only doing lots of crunches worked for carving out a solid set of abs. If doing a few hundred crunches was all it took to lose body fat then everyone walking around would not have any excess fat. Doing lots of crunches and other ab exercises do not help you get nice abs simply because they do not help you lose the fat that covers them up!

Ab exercises simply do not burn enough calories or stimulate the body's metabolism enough to get down to 8-10% body fat for a man and 15-20% if you are a woman. The only way doing lots of crunches will help is if you are already down to a very low body fat percentage and want to increase the "toned" look of your abs. If you cannot see your abs at all then it simply means that is too much body fat covering them up!

That means that the main focus of your diet and workout regimen should be to lose body fat. Doing endless amounts of ab exercises just won't help do that.

Mistake #2: Not keeping a food log

Since you know that getting a nice set of six pack abs all depends on having low enough levels of body fat, you should know that the next step is to pay attention to the most important part of the whole process: how many calories you are taking in.

If you have excess body fat that you can't seem to get rid of, then you absolutely have to understand that it is simply the result of taking in too many calories. Its not from poor genetics or some other physical disorder, it just comes down to consuming too many calories. The fitness models who have the sexiest abs of anyone will be the first to tell you they got that way by being extremely careful about what they eat. The absolute best indication you can use for figuring this out is to keep a food log of what you are eating. You will be amazed at the perspective you will gain about your eating habits from keeping a food log.

Since getting nice abs and a lean midsection is all about losing body fat, and losing body fat is all about taking in less calories or burning more with exercise, then a food log to track yourself is an absolute must.

Mistake #3: Not lifting weights

This will seem counterintuitive to some, but lifting weights is an excellent way to lose more body fat. Resistance training will give you more lean muscle mass that will have a dramatic impact with increasing your resting metabolism.

This means that you are burning more calories because muscle is very active tissue. If you are not strength training then you are missing a huge opportunity to burn more calories. It has been said that each extra pound of muscle mass burns an extra 60 calories per day. If you gain even 3 lbs of lean muscle tissue, you will burn an extra 180 calories each day! That is much more than a simple ab workout will burn.


Getting nice abs does not have to be a big struggle in which you are constantly playing the guessing game. You simply need to eat the right foods at the right time while tracking your calories.

You can use a regular notebook or an online food log if you want more detail. If you focus more on strength training your whole body instead of just doing ab workouts then you will get stronger and increase your metabolic rate. Now take action right away and start developing those nice abs to show off!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

3 Common Vegetables That Fight Stomach Fat - Eat Them to Burn Stubborn Belly Fat

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

I love vegetables. So, when I came to know that there are 3 common vegetables that fight stomach fat, I did not waste time to add them as part of the foods I eat to burn belly fat. I am ready to let out this secret and even show you how to cook vegetables the right way to help you eat healthier and lose tummy fat safely and naturally.

In my opinion the easiest way to fight stomach fat is to consume these 3 common vegetables which contain specific phytonutrients that miraculously help to fight stubborn stomach fat. They are easy to get and they are not difficult to cook.

There are specific reasons why these vegetables help to burn stomach fat.

First, you need to know that there are certain chemicals that prevent your body from burning belly fat with ease. The reason you find it so difficult to fight abdominal fat. These chemicals are scientifically called xenoestrogens.

You are exposed to xenoestrogen every day and there is no way you can avoid it. Excessive exposure to this chemical will cause a disruption of your hormones and the result is that your body will begin to store stomach fat.

Series of research have confirmed that the appropriate use of cruciferous vegetables can help you to fight against stomach fat.

Let me tell you the 3 common vegetables or cruciferous vegetables that do wonders to get rid of stubborn belly fat. They are cauliflower, broccoli and brussels sprouts. They contain specific phytonutrients such as indole-3-carbinol that have been tested and proven to fight against stubborn belly fat.

How do they do this? They eliminate the estrogenic chemicals from your body with ease. Since these are the chemicals that stimulate your body to store abdominal fat, your fight against stomach fat becomes easy.
I am going to show you my favorite quick and easy low fat and low sodium cooking method for these vegetables. These vegetables will be well cooked if you tossed a little canola oil, a pinch of kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper and then roast at a little high heat for about 30 minutes.

Ensure you roast in a shallow baking dish and allow the hot air to surround the vegetables until they are nicely brown.

Do not use deep casseroles and avoid covering the dish.

Brussel sprouts changes its bitter taste that makes us avoid eating it to a sweet and crisp-tender look, when roasted.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Flat Stomach - List of Belly Fat Burning Foods

Best Way To Burn Stomach Fat:

If you are looking for advice on how to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach then this article well help you. I will show you a list of best fat burning foods that will help you lose weight and burn belly fat fast.

There are plenty of different kinds of diet foods that can speed up your metabolism and help you burn fats fast these foods are called fat burning foods. Combined with a regular fitness exercise adding these foods to your daily diet will help you lose weight and get a flat stomach faster.

Here's a list of healthy foods that are rich sources of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals that help you lose weight and burn fats fast

1. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a super fat burner, it's full of fiber that keeps you feel full for a long time, Studies have shown that oatmeal reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and maintains blood sugar levels.

It is good to start your day with a bowl of oatmeal

2. Dairy (milk, cheese and yogurt)
Dairy Foods make it easier to lose weight and burn fats, dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt are packed with essential nutrients that help to keep you healthy; they are rich in calcium,vitamin D and protein as well.

Researches found that dairy calcium and dairy protein help in losing weight and burning fats.

3. Raw Nuts
Raw Nuts are good for weight loss, they are rich source of fiber that keeps you feel full for a long time, they speed up your metabolism and help you burn fats fast.

Studies shows that adding nuts to your daily diet can reduce your heart disease risk and reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes.

4. Olive oil
Olive oil is considered to be one of healthiest fats that your body requires, it contains monounsaturated fat which has a lot of health benefits and it contains vitamin E.

Olive oil lowers the bad cholesterol levels in the blood and it helps to boost your immune system

Start adding a bit of raw olive oil to your salads everyday

5. Whole grain and cereals
Whole grain prevents your body from storing fat, it's an excellent fat burner.

whole grains contain the highest amounts of insoluble fiber, It contains protein, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin E, calcium and magnesium
It protect against cancer and heart disease

6. Beans and Other Legumes
Beans and Other Legumes have high fiber content and they are low in fat, so they keep you feel fuller for a long time

They help you burn fat, they help in Building muscle and in regulating digestion, They can help maintain healthy blood pressure and can help lower the risk of heart disease and colon cancer.

Adding the above mentioned fat burning foods to your daily diet combined with a regular workout routine will help you burn belly fat, lose weight and get a flat stomach.